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lorenzo lovegun

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Everything posted by lorenzo lovegun

  1. if hes using his helmet as a weapon what will he use to protect his head???
  2. in the middle of being excited about not being that guy^^^^
  3. the blind side. call me gay if you want but it was actually pretty good.
  4. really? someone used an open window on the trolley? how did they even think that someone could do that with the speed of the trolley???
  5. heres some of my newer stuff. i dont know if ive posted some of them before...
  6. the only stuff i like out of all that is seters stuff. everything else isnt really what im into... but thats just my opinion.
  7. i havent popped my head in here in awhile. its cool to see a lot of really amazing work getting posted. heres some new ones that ive done. hope you enjoy. props to bsly and etips!
  8. those are some big ass shoulders ^^^
  9. heres one i did really quick for mock. i left it b&w for the most part so he could come up with whatever colors he wanted to use...
  10. ^^^i really like the balance. and i REALLY dig the funk you put in that t.
  11. here you go bro... i did this so long ago that i dont like it anymore. i might do you a new one. maybe one that will fit a freight more. we'll see.
  12. i would stay that you should stick to one word at first. pick a name and run with it. make that name your girlfriend. get comfortable with it. and i would stay to stick with the style you did on the relapse one instead of the other one with the leg and claw. and drop the add ons of "eating the etch" and what not. add ons and connections will come to you with time. you need to get the basics down like letter structure and proportions and how a 3d should look. everyone from revok to east to cope started out doing a sketch just like that relapse one but over time and people guiding them in the right direction they are where they are now. dont rush it. trust me. edit: i forgot to add 2 very important lessons i was taught. #1 is that your letter structure should be strong enough to look just as good painted in b&w as if you painted it in color. in other words dont hide behind a bunch of colors. #2 is that each letters structure should be strong enough to stand alone without the letter next to them. remembering those things helps me when im sketching out my ideas.
  13. heres some other recent ones to keep things moving... and larabee... where do i begin? my only advice for you is to not take this personally. one of the rules i was told when i started out was that i was a toy until told otherwise. dont take it as a personal attack. im more than willing to help you progress as a writer but asking people to do your name for you and the attitude is the wrong way to go. but what do i know? thats just my two cents...
  14. How about we just keep the chatter light and continue with some pics...
  15. here's a new one i finished last night... [/img]
  16. heres a new one i just finished... [/img]
  17. im really liking that color combo. nice work.
  18. i havent posted here in awhile so heres a new one i did starting out a new book.
  19. Maybe it's just me but I'm not really into surges new stuff. I dig his older stuff better.
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