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Everything posted by Balthazaar

  1. Just talked to friend who hops pretty frequently and he said one could probably do chicago to portland in 3-4 weeks if you caught mostly hotshots. Then it just be a question of getting to chicago from any given place on the east coast. It's be a few days to get there from where I am. Any input on that time estimate?
  2. Anyone have an estimate on how long a cross country (east to west) trip might take on freight? I understand that it varies depending on origin, destination, planning, and experience levels, but regardless, any idea? Where might you start from on the east coast for the best route(s) to the west coast?
  3. that'd be tight. are you a member on what? be sure to rip it as flac with a 100% log/cue included in the file... and if there's any album artwork with it, might be good to scan the shit
  4. any chance another ouncer can get in on that closes vol. 1 upload? Let me know when you're going to up it??
  5. I'm on what. Fuckin love that place. Snatched all the freeleeches this morning and my ratio's gone up .06 so far today. I usually keep it pretty low though. The new ratio levels they're talking about instituting should be nice. I seed everything but have a shitty ratio since I download so much... so the new rules should help me out with that.
  6. The real time convo potential is different. I'm liking the layout/organization a bit more than gmail too..
  7. Anyone on this yet? Just got an account, but I'm digging it so far. In a nutshell it's google trying to re-invent email. Pretty cool concept, should be interesting to see where it goes. https://wave.google.com/wave/
  8. Well the problem with that would be that on what if you invite someone and they get banned then you usually get banned to, and it's impossible to get another account after being banned. So it's kind of sketchy to invite a person unless you really trust them...
  9. My ratio isn't good enough to get any invites yet. All in good time though.
  10. I'm already on it... It's fuckin incredible. Discovered so much good music since being on there. The rules aren't bad at all... they keep things up to a real high standard.
  11. http://what.cd/ Anyone here on what? If not... move along.
  12. good past couple of pages. keep 'em coming.
  13. Needin some daytime flicks of that ELK piece..
  14. Aker blowin shit up. Mewithoutwo spending that gas money. I'm out ya scumfucks.
  15. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.... nice telephoto action going on here. Great flix.
  16. he was doing alot of work in bmore...
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