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Everything posted by ZANZABAR

  1. goodfellas thread is good, fellas
  2. I catch them off the jetty on the oregon coast "Rock Greenling" they good meat turns white when cooked


    $99 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Thruster-700c-Men-s-Fixie-Bike/17206771?findingMethod=rr
  4. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA game day? at 2.99 a 12 pack you cant go wrong. cool thread
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbrTeoDl0f4 part 1 of stand up show
  6. canada, americas attic .......FUCK YEAH!


    so i know a lot of you spend shit loads of money on your bikes i need a single speed wheel set for around 100 bucks, im aware that i will get sub par quality for this price but i need to ride my bike and thats the money i have i found these http://www.roadbikeoutlet.com/bike-parts-and-components/fixed-gear-single-speed-bicycle-parts/tec9-dv30-deep-v-30mm-track-fixed-gear-wheelset-white-1.html are they going to fall apart after a month? would be nice if they lasted through summer riding 20 miles or so every few days if anyone can give me a better bargain that would be great thanks for any advice
  8. they had mine phone number, income, hobbies?...... shit, i guess the internet is serious biz if you want to remove yourself go to their site http://www.spokeo.com and type in your name, then go to privacy and post the url of your page in the proper area then confirm your the email and your gone or if your that weirdo that wants to know what your ex girlfriend is up to then this site is for you!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqCdptfpaTA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4doHF0dIuh0 confessions
  10. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?!
  11. anyone remember the name of the clear guns that used to shoot the green jelly shit that came in cartridges?
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