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Everything posted by LostInTheMusic

  1. Javier Deep or Kinky the Really Famous Porn Star
  2. cant believe i feel for that crap... nice one... i was board.
  3. any one know who that last handstyle is? its from 05 and super ill.
  4. Found this Digit bit... dude is from philly, bump digit, seen him and asert grab some spots last night!
  5. whats up with a 50% of all paint at wal mart????
  6. i have to grab my blackbook but ill post more in a few days! im trying to collect a canvas from every Ohio writer, PM and ill buy a canvas if you can work some magic on it.... - The Art Collector!
  7. im trying to get a few of these put about Cleveland, any one want to sponsor a few.
  8. Ashamed to rep the same city as Kid Cudi.... nigga wears skirts yo!!!!
  9. yea you do have a point, but i was just shocked that Macy's is looking into selling them....
  10. My girl told me about this, it had me trippin'! H&M, Macy's and several other big department stores order men shirts for spring 2010. Skirts are going to me the new skinny jeans i guess. Fucking hipsters! Google it for your self......
  11. BITCH I don't like you. I DON'T LIKE YOU ALSO Why not, I like you. YOUR WEIRD SON! And you're not? IM COPE2 SON! Sure. You're too stupid to understand Cleverbot only connects you with random people. I AM NOT A ROBOT. WHAT ARE YOU THEN? A COP? I'm your father. FUCK MY FATHER! Bring her on. WHO HAVANA GINGER? A ginger? What's that mean? SHES A PORN STAR YO! THOUGH YOU KNEW YOUR SHIT B! What is the name of your church? PORNHUB.COM
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