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Everything posted by AcherOne

  1. Viel reminds me heaps of Revok, not starting anything just its what i see.
  2. Wasnt sure where to post this or w/e. Anyone know some names of full on bombing dvds, not just movies with walls and panels then a quick bit on boming, whole bombing dvds?
  3. Yo props to my boy Syko killin shit up in Aus, mad respect bro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9i-QBLbQk0 Nah seriously, little toy kids like this fucker make me sad im an Aussie, then i see shit like Hookr (personal fave) and cheers me back up :P
  4. AcherOne


    Ironlak hands down! Gotta support your local paint :) Plasticotes, kill rust, white knights, DONT GO NEAR 5 STAR, just regular $2 export is great. cant think of any others atm
  5. Not sure if you would call my mop paint GK cos all it is is black gloss enamel oil based paint. I found a little tub in my dads paint, thinned it down a bit, got my bingo marker emptyed it out, cleaned it with water, pulled out the regulator and put the paint in. Only did a quick line with it but the bit where it 1st touched the plastic dripped nicely, i went too fast for the rest of the line to drip. Gonna have a bomb with it maybe 2moro see how it goes. I used some Dulux Black Gloss Enamel (oil based), didnt add anything fancy or nothing, no dot 3. Also any Aussie writers, if you want bingo markers, goto the $2 Shop, they have 2 packs there for like $2.50 if you dont wanna rack em, plus ive seen em in Reject Shop aswell, only thing is, the body is hard plastic, but it should still flow/drip nicely. (Dono if anyone knows bout it)
  6. Thanks Day.6 ill check it out, fuck paying $20 for it, theres like a scrap joint thing near my place, they sell second hand paint, ill see what i can find, otherwise i guess ill have to pay it.
  7. Thanks TheLowerClass, ill look out for some tomorrow.
  8. Any Aussies or anyone who can help me out much appreciated. I cant get Rusto paint here to make a mop, so does anyone know what else i can use to get the same effects?
  9. Re: MELBOURNEGRAFFITI.com Well if that doesnt stop him getting here, should his shit "style" or terrible graffiti be enough to stop him getting here?
  10. Re: MELBOURNEGRAFFITI.com Hooker is fucking DOPE! Isnt Neck Face American, what the fucks he doing in Melbourne
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