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Everything posted by methamphetamyne

  1. chewing on some Quaker Chewy low fat chocolate chunk bars.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear me, you need to stop being so god damn angry at everything and everyone. take a chill pill for once and breaaathe. this angers fuckin you up.. - m e . . .
  3. cloe and smack looking freshhhhh
  4. mega bump that Leap, looking freshhhhh
  5. listening to my girl talk about past guys with her cousins.. *mollywhop
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear soulkillers, thanks. i very much appreciate it. -methdepressed dear headache, im in no moood for one. leave my head. -methamphetamynes
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear mother in law, why? why did you have to pass away? im in complete shock, becuase i just saw you exactly 10 hours ago. you seemed fine cracking jokes at me & making me help you with the stuff for your new home. this is such a trip for me. idk what to think. sadness just came over me when i got the call. didnt even sleeep for the rest of the night, i prayed for you. i cant even begin to imagine how your daughter feels. i will be there for her, always and help her get thru this. even tho it seems impossible, i will give it my best shot. i will miss you alot, you were like my second mom. you will always be remembered in my heart. RIP -yiyo
  8. just got a call from the girlfriend. her mother just passed away.. idk what to think, im in a state of total shock and sadness..
  9. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo with you hitting the gym almost everyday, i bet that you are in a very, very, great shape.
  10. you have the worst b.o. anybody could ever, EVER, have.
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