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Everything posted by inoticedthatyourgay

  1. honestly, just trying to get banned since this website wont let me log out.and if i cant look at stuff it eliminates the relevence of this webstite to me.and thats the idea.swing the ban hammer symbols guy,
  2. moderator-please do san jose a favor. dont let there be a thread for sj.
  3. then i took a quick hiatus from the game. then a few years later.. i thought i was hot shit for that one. now i casually go to safeway to rack a block of cheese.
  4. i dont see it. youre probly just bias. since you live there ya know. it works the same way. ive never seen that gorilla in my life. but i seen plenty of girafa.
  5. thought this movie was about banksy, turns out its about some french guy who just jocks banksy extra hard. weak
  6. Re: 12OZ CRIBS - April 2007 edition (aka ABC & rental's new pad edition) sweet fuckin damage deposit and devin the dude posters haha good combo
  7. this shit had me rollin hahaha thats exactly what i thought of
  8. haha theres a book about that guy? "i used to mug old ladies in the streets, now im a hare krishna" evolution!
  9. but you still watched it....because of the implication...
  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!! you're(your? who cares) the one millionth 12oz grammar teacher to point that out.
  11. no i think phaze is just a really epic sidebuster
  12. oh and nice on the apeface zero hour split. apeface are my boys
  13. gism is the fucking shit.cool fuckin thread . i wish i had a scanner i could fill 100 pages with my fliers and records
  14. for my girlfriend to disappear into thin air lots of weed.
  15. this had me laughing. i get pretty bad heatburn from really weird things. like i can eat fast food and steak and fuckin chips and salsa and be completely fine. however if i eat a bannana or a butterfinger, or like cookies/cake sweet baked goods etc. i will be fucked. ive found tums to work for my general purposes, i have to eat like 6 of em at a time tho. in the event you cant get any store bought remedies ifind those little red and white peppermints that they give you with your bill at resturants work really well for whatever reason.
  16. if anybody likes early 80s style goth/death rock, the guitarist of noothgrush is in a new band called alaric. they rule for that genre
  17. random question. who did that oooold peice with the two arrows talking to eachother and ones saying "id hit it" to a target? cant find that flick anywhere
  18. saw monarch a couple weeks ago. fucking awesome. and a babe indeed
  19. yo mamma got a peg leg with a kickstand mothafucka
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