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Everything posted by Decyferon

  1. Decyferon


    watching that made me dizzy , some of those drops were crazy
  2. just made some hollandaise sauce, gonna go poach some eggs now
  3. gunshot wound? thinking of going to bed at 11pm NYE nonsense
  4. Decyferon


    that was discussed a couple of pages back I think
  5. haha thats dope Mek and you arent thrilled by the letters, I would be over the moon! You slayed 2011 man burned all year.
  6. Decyferon


    Alcoholism to me is like being a junkie, you wake up in the morning and need a fix, you have withdraw symptoms etc. I don't consider myself to ever have been an alcoholic, however did have a problem with booze in that I drank everyday til I was wasted, but never had withdraw, never affected how I functioned and never drank in the morning (unless it was the weekend) but that was before I had a child so who cares if that is how I behaved no responsibilities no consequences, I used to have hard drugs problems that were completely different. I just took some time out when my son was born chilled out and stopped drinking for about 6 months. im more a binge drinker.
  7. wouldnt even be worth attempting!
  8. Decyferon


    just out of interest what about someone with no belief in a higher power/god whatever? I don't believe in anything like that whatsoever and hearing people discuss stuff like that is just irritable to me, how does AA work for someone with a belief system that completely disregards higher powers/gods etc?
  9. Dear Socks the cat it has been over a week now since we have seen you, i hate to say I fear the worst. You were a dope little cat and will be missed, I know other cats go vanishing for days or weeks but you were always home RIP Decy
  10. dear wine why is it that if I drink you I will be awake at 3am puking up my guts? Doesn't happen with other booze, why you gotta be so difficult? decy Dear Gemmelis It was a bad idea that I found out you sell cakes and aren't just a resturant, so much italian cake yesterday could have contributed to the above situation maybe? Dear Christmas Eve I am not normally bothered about you but today I am going home to Bristol and seeing my brother and getting mighty drunk, just hope the dog doesn't puke on me in the car ride over! Dear Son You cannot communicate purely in song because it is christmas eve, as fun as it may seem, it will get old and tiring quick. Kinda christmassy Decy
  11. Decyferon


    http://hypebeast.com/2011/12/stason-bros-best-bike-rental-commercial-nsfw/ NSFW
  12. working out how to convince my wife she would like to get drunk tonight even though she has to be up early for work (she got paid today im skint)
  13. Dear Fist haha I could imagine getting that package my son opening it and a dead cat being inside! Also my son was planned and I really don't know why but would like another one even though kids are fucking hard work. Must be going Mad. decy
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