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anything goes

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Posts posted by anything goes

  1. with a hoodie on, that square chair is gonna get sprelunkedwith j9 in awe and a awe from a half barrel divorcee, even with a knife, the one time jeeve, protector of bomb da suburbs with self autograph included in a midget phillipinos teeth couldn't compete, bitch I have big feet



  2. this city is over run with toys right now who have no respect for old pieces, spots or writers that have been doing this for decades. I25ER, STOEN are perfect examples of cheap fame seeking toys.

  3. I'd be up for a beer trade too, especially if you can send me that Knee Deep and/or Drakes triple IPA. Just read an article about those beers today.


    You either love or hate sour beers, I love them. I'd suggest starting with something simple like a 350ml bottle of Rodenbach or Duchesse de Bourgogne. One of the brewers at New Belgium spent time working at Rodenbach and the La Folie is a decent US made sour. Petrus has some inexpensive sours that should be available in your market.


    The point being, spend as little money as possible to try one out before investing $20plus on a bottle from Russian River, Jolly Pumpkin or some great belgian brewer because there's a good chance you're going to hate sour beer.

  4. Stillwater released an IPA called "Why can't IBU" I actually thought that was pretty creative.


    Well it must be that time of year again when the Hopslam love/hate shows up on this thread. $20 for a 6 really doesn't seem that bad to me, $3.33/beer. but I live in DC and beer is expensive round these parts.


    I've been drinking sours lately:

    liefmans goudenband and cuvee brut

    Drie Fonteinen Oude Kriek and oude geuze

    rodenbach grand cru

    bruery saison rue

    Goose Island Madame Rose*** this beer is fucking amazing


    and I recently won a bottle of The Bruery - Black Tuesday (not a sour beer)

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