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Kill Ugly Radio

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Everything posted by Kill Ugly Radio

  1. damn i sent it to her too... i wonder if me or groyn sent it first... you should also post the bitch you fucked too.
  2. possibly cause you fucked another girl and left her panties lying around... and she's nuts.
  3. she got a friend for moe-lester too... .
  4. nigga you skinny... but she would get it... like... tomorrow.
  5. http://www.amazon.com/World-Without-Us-Alan-Weisman/dp/0312347294
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco okay so.... getting in fights in dublin is awesome. trying to watch cloverfield and some lame white byo fag tells you to fuck off. then you beat the shit out of him outside only to have his punjabi friend kick you in the ribs and sock you pretty hard in the forehead.... then your friend pulls you off and you work dude over some more... one lump on the forehead, one good movie seen, and the juno soundtrack playing at 3:45 am.... WIN
  7. ummm... i don't know what freeway you drive to get from oakland to san jose or vallejo... but I usually take the 880.... i know you're talking about the 680. but noone in the east bay takes the 680 to get to san jo or valley jo. why would anyone from oakland take the 24 to the 680 just to end up in east san jo... so we take the 880, and the 880 does not touch the 925... so yeah... dumb. and as far as 925 writers being more up than me? i don't know where that came from. but I know some ISM dudes. i watched a few get arrested off the 580. and i'm not saying any of this to say anything about your crews. i like most of you dudes. but you're not more up than me in my hood. promise. i was talking purely geographical.... i need to fucks with my new camera. peace
  8. i fucking love macworld... 45 dollar pair of headphones. oh and i stold this.. http://www.dpreview.com/news/0801/08010706samsungi8.asp out the samsung booth straight up. just need to find the battery and i'm all good. get on my nerd level. pow.
  9. san jose is definitely part of the bay. the south bay. what part of it is the 925??? deep east bay? get the fuck outa here. there is a mountain range in between us. i'm done. only people that think the 925 is the bay happen to be from the 925. keep crying.
  10. riiiiiight. honestly no hate. but between the two of us. i don't think i'm the one bitching or being a cry baby... and i'm pretty familiar with the area. unless you're sitting on diablo mountain or talking about grizzly or suisun bay in the"p" or concord. then no. you can't get over it. stop riding another cities coat tails. do your own thing. new rule, if your city doesn't touch the bay somewhere, you don't count. and the bay ends at the carquinez bridge. pow.
  11. seriously. i think the general rule is that if you can't actually see the bay from the city you're in, you're not in the bay. and how is that shit gonna concord and brentowood but not say berkeley, albany or hayward? sorry guys. you aren't from the bay. you're from the valley. the burbs. just like thousand oaks isn't considered part of los angeles. you aren't really from the bay.
  12. i've always said that hard hoods had cutsey names... jingletown is in oakland. it's not a nice neighborhood.
  13. Re: Don't Call it Frisco that's why I love you baby... ;)
  14. Re: Don't Call it Frisco the thing is, tusle obviously isn't backing down. I'm sure he'll keep getting his spot back and when he's done painting the city he'll go back to painting with dudes who aren't from SF who actually matter outside of SF. i don't understand the point of getting butthurt over an outline you had getting gone over with a legit fill, in a spot that gets painted a fucking ridiculous amount... there isn't a dude here who's been been painting for any significant amount of time who wouldn't do a fill over the seer outline at a spot like that if they didn't know who it was. make the most of a spots you get is the point here... but hey fuck it, let's be on some "I'm a local fucking og and my shit is untouchable." someone call the wahmbulance. I'm going painting...
  15. Re: Don't Call it Frisco i like tusle...
  16. Re: Don't Call it Frisco my beard is getting all itchy around the neck area. not fun.
  17. can't help it that you just stepped up your game... and I have like 5 props... none from you. you suck.
  18. maybe stop fucking dry snitching on people. if you think he's so fat then go fight him. i don't know who any of you are but i'm putting my money on ares. ps: i see you holy...
  19. we got one of these AND an abandoned roller skating rink. hollertronix
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