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Kill Ugly Radio

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Everything posted by Kill Ugly Radio

  1. you do! just kidding. actually since i made a thread that a lot of people wouldn't understand, i thought i'd share this flickr i really like... i know i know... no graff content, but i appreciate dedication... http://flickr.com/photos/7602696@N04/ i actually looked for a flickr thread, and didn't find one...
  2. is there any particular reason why every east bay thread continually gets closed, but the people who get them closed aren't getting banned? i've made sure that i've reported posts that had snitching and name dropping in them get reported. i've tried to report the people who do it and they don't get banned. buted instead you just close the east bay threads and let the people who snitch and drop info and/or names just go into different threads and do the same things. i don't even know if brick slayers is even being moderated anymore except for the fact that threads keep getting closed... i know this is the no graff forum, but there are some serious moderation issues going on in BS that aren't getting addressed. i heard that ABC was the main moderator in BS, which sedoes seems weird cause we have mutual friends and from what I hear he's a cool dude. anyway, i don't know if there are anyone in this forum who even goes through brickslayers, but if there are i'm sure they have some of the same problems... that's all I got to say really... this is a joint name, i didn't have an invite to make my own and make this thread, but basically i just wanted to know if therel is some reason that threads keep getting closed but the people who snitch and drop info are still around... -84
  3. Re: Dorms SUPER THREAD hahahahahhahahahahahahhahaa... every year you come here and make this thread then everyone makes fun of you for being shitty then it gets closed... post some of your sweet tats!
  4. Re: Don't Call it Frisco i wasn't asking you... i was telling you. surprise sex!
  5. Re: Don't Call it Frisco smash luba, cum on the booby tats.
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco that's funny I was just going through that girls flickr like yesterday.
  7. sure buddy. you got everything on lock... how could anyone hate on you... i do think it's cute that you write NONE though... style, originality, your own spots, personality, a brain, reading comprehension... you got NONE (hr)... anyway, din din time. keep being a king you big king you... JESUS CHRIST LEARN HOW TO FUCKING SPELL, I COUNT 16 FUCKING WORDS YOU SPELLED WRONG JUST IN YOUR LAST RESPONSE... books people, they aren't just paper weights.
  8. shitty graff and snitchy crew affiliations aside. you started painting last year and i've gone through plenty of "inches" in all the places you've mentioned without seeing you... and the spots you do hit are super side busty spot jocking to the max spots. And I've never seen anything you've done in person besides a white truck in san leandro. but hey congrats... you're mediocre and you can't spell or convey thoughts like an adult. yay!
  9. i enjoy lying too. post one picture of something you've done, please.
  10. i don't jock anyone you faker. it's just obvious your full of shit. i know what people are painting and i see phoe. period. end of story... but you're right, i should totally be jocking you and those sweet painting skills of yours. also i'm not going to sit here and argue with someone who actually uses the word "lil" and misspells every other word. i'm just saying, you're a fucking idiot. DUR.
  11. um... dude just said phoe isn't up anywhere else??? i give up, i've officially decided you guys are all fucking idiots.
  12. T4M... you went to a macstore. macworld is a conference held in san francisco. where mac and other companies release or try to sell new products. you're dumb. BH, i think you should do a little more looking into thin computers with solidstate drives.
  13. well if we're talking beer, and not malt liquor then corona is cheap... i'm s snob though, i don't really like any beer that also comes in can form.
  14. Re: Don't Call it Frisco thought i'd let anyone know of my sweet night of painting trains, then meeting up with a thick catholic mexican girl who's a nurse and pumped me full of vicoden, valium, codiene and sleeping pills. meanwhile, i've been drinking rum and coke the whole time... now it's 4:40 and i'm at home with all these pills rum and mcdonalds... holler
  15. preferences preferences... i'm more of a sierra nevada man as far as cheap beer goes...
  16. you posted a picture of some worn out REALLY fat girl with a c section scar with a stinky looking fuzzy vagina with a bottle of subpar beer in it... and you didn't expect anyone to hate?
  17. your dog has worms. get your dog dewormed... take care of your fucking dog.
  18. USERS CURRENTLY VIEWING THIS THREAD: 8 (6 members and 2 guests) Kill Ugly Radio*, shelikesguns, santa-cruz, goneroner, Some1
  19. well there hasn't been enough drama the last couple of days... so yeah, i did.
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