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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. Saw that painting tonigh We thought someone was using a green laser pointer on the clouds Trip out
  2. $3.99 sixer of 'Dutch Republic' never. again.
  3. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA Come to San Diego. Beers and tacos on the beach.
  4. I came in here to post this movie Saw it Monday and enjoyed it very much
  5. From here - http://www.27bslash6.com/ Same guy that did the spider drawing emails if you know what I mean And the 'disguised weapons' on eBay....
  6. Meeting a blind date at Pizza Port Solana Beach tonight. If all else fails at least I'll get some Mongo outta this trip.
  7. I love the philadelphia-puerto-rican eagles
  8. There should be a written symbol for sarcasm. Gotta question mark Gotta exclamation point Why no sarcasm mark?
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