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Everything posted by hoodgasstation2

  1. look up the old i r o t b threads for the rest of this one...
  2. for the sucka that dissed my windsheild shot yesterday, here is another one.. pfft
  3. i watched the yardbirds hotdog the airspace over my yard... those suckas can fly... it was a rainy, cold, and silent day... found a burnt up amp, and another spool to fix up somtime very soon... check it out..
  4. i also suggest a name change...
  5. o you also put 2007 on there... hmmm you act like it will stay for years and years and years... if you date the shit do it to the exact date and make it read able..
  6. i cant read it... i dont spend to much time looking at a handy... that should set you straight for a wile untill you get shit on by my fellow 12oz homies.
  7. its a habbit... like smoking weed... aint that some shit right there... atmosphere was good sunday night... the drunken fights were better... like always! photobucket is my crutch. lets start it off with the pow, usa, can, and ILLINOIS flags. the reds more..
  8. vespa mul outline freshly done
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