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Everything posted by STALKER

  1. anyone else have problems with ghetto krink. Being too streaky/watery. And i didnt even put any thinner in it
  2. racked a zig woodcraft the other day. Havnt filled it yet. Same shit as an OTR, Same body atleast
  3. My city fuckin just sprays over it with gray spray paint. Theyre too lazy to pick at it all day
  4. who gives a fuck if someone has the same name as you. aslong as there not in the same state. you swear all of you have original names that only you have and no one else in the world writes it
  5. gotta have them phillies blunts. or swishers.

    Flares? HALP!

    low pressure can + astro fat = easy ass flairs
  7. lady tribe. so i cud knock her ass out and take her into the ditches..
  8. 1 more month.. Are you still filming or are you just editing shit.


    watch him go on some skate forums like 'how do you do an ollie and what knee pads give the best protection'
  10. dumbest fuckin question. thats just like killing someone with a gun, getting caught than saying "Uhh.. can i have my gun back?"
  11. Instead of wasting their money on making glow in the darks..they need to make some silver ones.
  12. Just take the ink and put it in a mop
  13. i wish people would stop making fuckin "i need a name" topics. come up with your own shit your the one writing it..
  14. Re: ------->_REAL_L.A._GRAFF_<-------- uh oh guys look out its a norputo e.thug


    This is how sk8r6 got mojos myspace.. basically he downloaded his vCard (whatever the fuck they call it on the profile) and got his email add. and pasted it on the myspace search engine, its skaterkole@yahoo.com :p Yes im fuckin genius son
  16. then u shudda asked in the ink thread. try taking out the regulator inside
  17. wtf.. anyway are those wide kiwis any good? seen um a few times but didnt bother racking it
  18. so what go thru my posts youll find out ive helped people out. Better 56 bull shit posts than 611 bull shit posts
  19. Then whyd you post...goddamn post whores always trying to compensate for something by having a big number of posts..
  21. I hate otr's nib shape. Kiwi's perfect.
  22. Wow those people that comment on that site have no heart, talking about ''moral of the story, dont break the law'' Fuck them RIP
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