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once upon a crime

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Everything posted by once upon a crime

  1. Its always sad to hear of a fellow writers passing, Rest in peace to dfine... Did not know dude but condolences to his crew mates and friends on here...
  2. fight the power.. end corporate greed and rally against our shady government who encourages 1% calling the shots for the rest of us, the 99%. more info at infowars.com
  3. ralph lauren can talk all the shit on jersey he wants, but jersey had the craziest highway scene in the nation from 98 to 2008. out of towners did join with the bedlam but to say jersey is dead except for out of towners is just silly... shit was crushed for miles on the highways and trainlines. mostly by jersey writers. dont get jersey twisted from that video, plenty of fresh talent in jersey, just check out the rest of my photo's from my flickr that you posted. :lol:
  4. exactly, you stole my thunder... make the cops work for their money you fucking idiots.
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