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Posts posted by xrebelheartsx

  1. :lol: Rumors WAS Buckingham/ Nicks. wikipedia that shit dummy!:lol:


    ps. why am i talking about this on a graffiti forum?



    man come on... you know better than that. that record is a fucking classic. with EVERY member of the band going through all kinds of shit emotionally... shit rules.



    check your pm's.

  2. vegans would be fucked as produce would be far harder to come by. their food source is reliant upon bees....


    and lots of vegans eat honey.


    everyone whould be fucked, not just vegans. even if everyone was faced with the decision of being entirely carnivorous or dying, what about the food for the animals people would then be eating?


    bees are far more important than most people realize, annoying as they may be.

  3. How to say these Massachusetts city names correctly:

    **Say it wrong, be shunned**

    Worcester: Wuhsta (or Wistah)

    Gloucester : Glawsta

    Leicester Lesta

    Woburn: Wooban

    Dedham : Dead-um

    Revere: Re-vee-ah

    Quincy: Quinzee

    Tewksbury : Tooks berry

    Leominster : Lemin-sta

    Peabody: Pee-ba-dee

    Waltham : Walth-ham

    Chatham: Chaddum

    Samoset: Sam-oh-set or Sum-aw-set but nevah Summerset!


    it's a good bit north of Boston, but i'm gonna throw this one in anyway..


    Haverhill: Hayvrull


    i tried to explain all of this to my wife, i think she says the shit wrong just to piss off my family. which is fine.

  4. no i've been wanting to see it, i just haven't had a chance yet. there was a showing here a while back that was paired with a Q&A wih emile hirsch, but i missed it because i'm dumb.

  5. 1100706901_5904.jpg



    hahahaha that's the best angle of that i've ever seen. fucking classic.


    i'm with spectr on this, didn't ya'll get the memo? boston's on top of shit.




    i will admit though, the indians have a dope team.

  6. Why'd she get tattoos that everyone can see if she didn't want people looking at them and her by default?


    it's not a matter of people looking, that's a given. but when people outright stare and point and shit, that goes beyond "oh look, tattoos". the amount of times her and i have been followed around stores around where we live is ridiculous. people act like we just came from the fucking sideshow.

  7. i don't know if it would offend you, and it might just be me, but usually when i'm taking glances at someone with a lot of tattoo's i'm just checking out what they got NHX5


    nah i do that too, but i'm talking about people straight up staring and fucking pointing. that shit is rude.

  8. on the door holding subject, i also get shitty real quick when someone in front of me is going through a door, knows damn well that i'm a few steps behind them, and just lets the shit start to shut.


    i normally say "hey thanks", which tends to draw some scornful looks. not my fault you're a rude piece of shit.


    oh, and fuck people that wanna stare at my wife and i because we have lots of tattoos. i wanna make a shirt that says "i'm tattooed, not FUCKING BLIND".

  9. i'm sure there will be quite a few torrents of it after it airs... if i can get my PVR to work, i'll probably set one up myself.

  10. oh yeah i totally agree. it's damn near impossible to completely escape all of it.


    on the subject of the next steps of evolution, and anti-civ sentiments, anyone planning on watching that "Life After People" thing on the history channel? looks pretty interesting.

  11. there would be a shit ton more vegetarians running around if everyone had to kill the meat they ate.




    shit, i think even if more people had to see the full course of action that went into making their dinner, there would be a lot more vegetarians.


    granted, as a vegetarian, i'm not too keen on any animal being killed for any reason, but i'll agree on this: if you're gonna eat meat, you better be ok with killing it yourself.

  12. ishmael is an excellent book.

    I also recommend the Culture of Make Believe by Derrick Jensen. Also along those lines you may want to check out John Zerzan's work.

    As for the future of evolution it's hard to say. Maybe the future will look like what Ray Kurzweil propounds. Maybe we'll kill ourselves before we even get there.



    Zerzan's kind of a quack. he talks a damn good anti-civ message, but has definitely been spotted out at fast food places chowing down. now, i'm not saying he should live in a shack and eat grubs and berries, but if you're gonna be one of the main people speaking out against civilization, don't you think you should probably avoid Arbys?

  13. the way i see it, and it's already been said, if you're finding that there's nothing interesting going on here, make something interesting. and yeah sure, whatever thread or whatever you try to start up to spark some interest may not work out, but at least you tried, right? that's about all any of us can do.


    shai, i understand where you're coming from as far as having been gone for a year, then seeing how much shit had changed in that year. but man, that shit happens. when i first came back here after however long, it didn't really seem like there was shit going on to me. i didn't recognize a lot of names, so none of the shit really mattered to me. but you know what? you just weed through the shit and find something that seems rad to you. get into a debate here, laugh at dick and fart jokes there... just go with it, basically.


    as much as i've had some pretty decent discussions/debates/whatever in crossfire, what it boils down to is this: i don't come here expecting absolute greatness. i don't come here expecting to really engage in anything meaningful. i just come here to have fun, keep up on certain threads, whatever. sure, there's some shit that annoys me, that goes beyond my belief that it's all mindless fun into a realm of mindlessness that shouldn't be allowed to survive, but shit happens.


    so basically, to re-state what's been said a handful of times already, ups and downs. i'd rather have the security of knowing that cops just can't come up in here (even though i'm sure if they really wanted to, they could) than have tons of new people coming in and starting threads or whatever. if all the people that contributed shit that i really enjoyed aren't around posting anymore, it's because they're just not here. it's not because they didn't get invited, because everyone on here was alright once the invites went into effect.


    to a degree, yeah, i care about the site, otherwise i wouldn't keep supporting it. is it a little slow lately? maybe, but whatever. it'll pick back up. unlike my train of thought, which is completely gone at this point.

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