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Posts posted by xrebelheartsx

  1. exactly my point..i dont paint that much anymore either means you dont paint ever or you paint a little bit and you suck so bad you dont want anyone to see it. until you can burn that shit without a doubt keep your mouth shut. and for the record im not rose..and graffiti is all about arrows bitch get your shit straight..fraudulent ass screen name too you probably dont even listen to hip hop..and EVERYONE knows graffiti is hip hop. post pictures of your super straight 3ds or keep it to yourself



    haha what the fuck? i come at you with something civil, and you want to try to attack me? first, you don't know who i am, you don't know what i write. i'm confident in my abilities as a writer, and i promise you, i can paint something better than that rose. i don't need to prove it to you, or to anybody for that matter. i don't paint for anyone but me. i already told you, next time i paint something, you'll see it. you can critique it if you want, i don't care. look, i've been writing for 15 years now, and i'm not one of those cats that never progresses. so like i said, eventually, you'll see some shit. i'm not in any rush to prove anything.


    for the record, if you're thinking my screen name has anything to do with that roots manuva song, it doesn't. it has nothing to do with hip hop, and neither does graffiti.


    that's the last i'm gonna say about any of this shit. there's enough retardation going on in here, there's enough internet thuggery, so throw your half-assed insults at someone who gives a fuck.

  2. bump dis guy dis guy rocks my pants


    You really just bumped yourself bumping someone else?


    and as far as SPC rocking your pants, sounds suspiciously like gay sex to me. might wanna clear your name on that one, SPC.

  3. Yo my thing is this if you doent like somones shit that bad. If you feel that compeled to do somthing cap all there shit make them work it gives you practice and get them motivated and if all it does is gets people pissed then fuck it thats the nature of graff its suposed to be street shits got week kids in the hood need to rep thier ares



    you missed my point. i don't dislike this kid's shit at all, i think there's definitely potential. i was merely pointing out something that i saw wrong with it. why the fuck would i put my ass on the line to cross out everything he/she has done just because i think the 3D is off? that's fucking retarded.

  4. yeah dude 3d is the most important part right next to arrows. post your shit and let me be critical on your 3d..or stop being an impulsive fuck and typing your collected thoughts on a message board. and your sn is just weak dude..you can read



    well, like i said, i don't really paint that much anymore. but next time i do, i'll be sure to let you check it out. be critical all you want, i don't give a fuck. i'm not gonna get my fucking feelings hurt if someone points out some shit that's wrong with my piece. i've been painting for long enough that i've long since gotten over that garbage.


    think what you want, say what you want, who cares. but if you've got something negative to say, have a reason. have something to back it up. and that's no internet thuggery on my part, i'm not saying "oh if you don't like my shit, we're fighting". what i mean is, if you've got something negative to say about something someone painted, don't just sit there and say "that sucks", pint out what sucks about it, and then maybe in the future, that person can work on that (if they can handle a little criticism).


    i like to see good lookign graffiti. it's not about fucking arrows and whatever other fancy shit you want to put on your piece, as long as you make it look good.


    feel free to keep attacking my screen name, for all the good that does.



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