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Posts posted by xrebelheartsx

  1. ????? hey i got an idea, maybe you guys can start a crew call the Deuch Crew, get it.


    :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o: :five-o:


    i think the word you're going for there is "douche".

  2. are you fucking for real?


    1. you can't read any of the tags on this thread? are you blind?


    2. you're gonna cross out anything resembling the tags on this thread?



    if you're gonna go around crossing shit out, just because it looks like something you saw on the internet, i'm gonna go ahead and guess that by the end of the week, someone will have beat the shit out of you.


    you're a funny motherfucker.

  3. i get that way from time to time, and i just normally end up sticking with whatever seems to be boring me the least.


    it's during these times that i end up painting the worst shit, because i'm just not feeling it.


    talk is cheap, what does "your" boy write.....



    i say u too shook to say!



    those are weak ass tags, wouldnt even get noticed where im from!



    come on now man, it's not my place to put him on blast like that. if he wants to let you know, he'll let you know. he already told you a flick of one of his tags was posted on here.


    i'm through bickering with you, not worth my fucking time.


    someone post some flicks.

  5. hahaha... man.. you have no clue who you're talking to.


    my man has definitely put in work in major cities, long before you even picked up a can of paint.


    and if you're saying "fuck flares", why do you keep posting in here? quit running your fucking yap, go do your weak ass tags in your weak ass spots.

    • Like 1
  6. ^ you realize the bulk of the people you're aiming that at have been in this for well over a decade, right?


    10,15,20 years sure as shit doesn't seem like some fly-by-night, in it for a minute motherfuckers to me. if you really didn't care, you wouldn't respond. you'd let that shit roll, and just keep doing what you do. and that's my suggestion for you, go out, do your thing, and worry about yourself.


    quit trying to talk shit to dudes that have long been a part of what you're just now getting into.

  7. :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook:

    :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

    :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

    :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook:



    hey cool, let's post the exact same thing in a jillion threads to get the post count up.

  8. blah blah blah... don't know me, don't know anything about me. i'm not gonna argue with you or try to prove anything to you, because i don't give a fuck about you.


    your handstyle sucks, and it's not a flare. end of story. quit posting flicks of your shitty tag in this thread.


    and i'd really like for you to go around and tell every premium member, who supports this site so shitheads like you can come on here and run your mouth, that none of them bomb. guarantee you'll get your fucking teeth knocked out before you can finish your sentence.

  9. That's funny you say that cause Kadism's from the east coast, and Sunset is from Europe if I'm not mistaken.

    And I don't know anything about Ohde, but that shit that's posted is a marker tag.

    How the fuck you gonna call a marker tag a flare?



    No hate, just sayin.



    all the flicks in the post right before that ohde marker tag were all ohde, too. dude's definitely got dope hands.

  10. oh hell no.

    I'm not a big M.Monroe fan, but Lohan is one of the sorriest "pin-ups" I've seen...

    bitch does not have 'it'




    not really. I mean, yea, maybe remotely what the picture is supposed to look like, but Lohan's face kinda screws the whole thing up.


    Monroe looks into the camera like "I'm partly naked, I'm hot, you totally want to fuck me and I know it, but you never will 'cause it's just a picture."


    Lohan hardly looks into the camera and bitch has desperate donkey-eyes.


    no. no. no.



    i basically meant the photographs themselves, not the whore in them. same photographer, basically the same shots, same grainy style... he did a good job. i agree with her being absolute shit though, which in turn kinda makes the pictures suck, but you know what i mean.

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