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Everything posted by username0913

  1. False. Fuck that. Rather be out fucking snowboarding, except we got a combined total of maybe 8 inches between October and now. Fuck that. Tpbm has road rage like a motherfucker
  2. GoIng in to work slightly drunk, leaving early to come home and finish bottle: nonsense...maybe Using the time wisely and finishing art projects: seriously?
  3. Polishing off a bottle of Appleton, trolling 12oz
  4. If that was directed at me, ^^yup pure nonsense. Knowing when to speak and when to step the fuck back and shut the fuck up: not nonsense. Putting in work before opening beak: not nonsense Self hating on 12oz: attention seeking nonsense. Still not knowing what a hipster is: nonsense.
  5. Didn't even know him, but I'd gladly swap places with him if I could. Much respect
  6. False Tpbm doesn't give a fuck about Kony
  7. False Tpbm has more shoes than shirts
  8. A slice of pizza and a handful of grapenuts cereal
  9. False: I eat them shits raw Tpbm probably hates Juggalos
  10. Bitchslapping Cope2 with some bloody bloody stinky vaginy tampons: not nonsense.
  11. Cope2 being a douchebag(apparently. Not that I really care about some fat bastard who hasn't changed style since I was a kid) is nonsense. Drue hitting him off with some fuck you: not nonsense.
  12. Not giving a fuck about said circumstance. Nonsense. Bear getting fired. Nonsense Being eaten by a grizzly bear because you look like meat. Nonsense Me: complete nonsense. Morning 12oz. Cheers.
  13. Being drunk at 8am, and continuing to drink when work's in an hour and a half. Irresponsible nonsense.
  14. username0913


    Picked up these khukiris last year. Blade length is about 8 inches. Nice balance, especially when switching from standard to reverse grip...nice weight to them, and solid pommel. The longer machete is US Army issue 1949, the shorter bolo is Brazilian made. Picked up both of those at an old folks home tag sale. Old people have weird shit. Guy had an Army issue hatchet too, but didn't have enough loot to pick it up. Searching for a 15 inch khukiri pair, kinda like the ones Milla Jovovich had in Resident Evil. Also searching for straight razors with wooden handles...those things are the shit, even if I can't carry them around.
  15. Young Zaphod plays it safe...gotta go find that. Currently reading The Golden Cage. It's a book from the 70's on anorexia nervosa. Just finished Pinocchio's Sister. Quick read, but the ending was kinda blah
  16. This! Still rather listen to this than the young money version. Half the people hearing this have never heard the original.
  17. Was kicking around Boston not too long ago...kind of a shame to see all that grey paint...
  18. Really? *shakes head* StacY Keibler is one of the hottest women on the planet...I've seen her in person at wrestling events, and between the long legs, the butt, and her gorgeous smile, not to mention her amazing personality, I have to disagree. Photos can be doctored, but after having seen her in the flesh, smash. All day, err day.
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