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Everything posted by Seph

  1. How old is it? I know for a fact that certain motherboards can only support a certain amount of gigs on one slot.. check your manufactures page, and search for the model, you should be able to find out the capacity.. you can also check out this program called EVEREST if you have trouble finding out the model
  2. Damn i gotta admit, those two =fire
  3. Remember when newkon battled him and backedout?WAR? good times :lol: Calling out battles and not even doing em is straight up gangsta
  5. :lol: damnn.. can someone open a beef thread? cuz this is was not intended for that..
  6. What is the prize of winning? Self-recognition? Boost of ego? Dominance? Alright, lets say its cool to compare a sketches from a dude who has been writing his whole life to another who has been writing 5 years...yes its fair... but face it life is never fair, So you didn't get the win.. who cares this is the internet, you CAN'T generalize the whole "graff community" with a few people who post in here... most of these people will probably write for another few years... The dudes doing big things don't sit infront of computers bitching about battles, they go out paint, get up, and progress, guess people place too much sentimental value on the Interwebz.. I really recognize your work and I think everyone does, but the personality you portray gives it a different perspective... If one person wins every battle who is gonna post? just that person alone? Everyone has a different style and a different level (if there is such a thing). MY OPINION ALONE! dont generalize,
  7. Cosigned, I don't know why people get all worked up for a thing like the sketch thread..... True heads know whats up, I know VEE had this battle and other writers had better sketches too IN MY OPINION, but comparing and dissing isnt really what is about,
  8. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD that sex change gif is just not cool.. :(
  9. ugh..... A little too early there bud
  10. DUDES I JUST GOT THIS NEW "NASA" THEME FOR FIREFOX AND THIS "BLACKIFY" SCRIPT FOR STYLISH AND THE PAGES LOOK FUCKING SWEET SWEEEEEEEET!!! ITS MUCH EASIER ON THE EYES, BEFORE AND AFTER! stealth status! LINKS NASA THEME https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4908 BLACKIFY, (install stylish first) http://userstyles.org/styles/2154
  11. so the ups guy just delivered my new GFX CARD BITCHES
  12. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD thats what im saying, make a new porno GIF THREAD, ILL UPDATE THAT SHIT WEEKLY for you pr0n lovers
  13. I have no problems with the crust..
  14. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD she does have that facial expression of a psycho..
  15. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD hmm.... cats brains and eye ball.. shame on you lady..
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD someone make a dedicated boob/porno gif thread.. i dont want no ban.
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