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  1. i bring close that you can flip around so the police cant analyze me
  2. i am walking around town and just got down from bombing and a kid comes up to me says (bitch those are my cans) i said sure and just kept walking.
  3. i have only two but i am trying to find more
  4. cully111


    i am trying to find greedy genius king of shoes but there sold out every were there sick shoes!
  5. thank you i will learn grammar as we speak.
  6. its the most stupid question ever asked
  7. close this if the dude dose not know how then you cant learn from just reading go practice why are you on the computer go learn
  8. heres a story from me so i was making krink then i kinds finish and my father walks down stairs its like 10 pm and he smells i gus paint thiner and he says "WTF were you making" i said nothing and kept saying it then he said one little flame and the house could blow so i just went to sleep. the stuff i used was just paint and the thinner my question is witch one smelled?
  9. omg......that kid is super lucky fucking idiot girl hick
  10. read Friday its about the Nazi genocide and how lucky you are to be in this jail and not there
  11. cully111


    sick shoes how much did those go for
  12. cully111


    http://www.nicekicks.com/greedy-genius/ can some one tell me the kind of shoes on top of that pile and send me a link thank you
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