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Lesbian Fisting

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Everything posted by Lesbian Fisting

  1. Former slave auction house. Sat in the park. Relaxed. Petted so many dogs. Fuck you yankee assholes. Next day we rode bikes. And ate a gas station dinner on the way home.
  2. And after looking at fish all day I was hungry as fuck. Blacked some yellowfin tuna steaks and served them over couscous. Woke up and took a day trip to Charleston. This was the market. We saw the DC United and FC Toronto teams there. The fog was creepin in off the harbor. Mandatory hipster pit stop. Mandatory chubby dude pit stop.
  3. Snuck into the end of the beach where the ocean meets the inlet. I dont know how a beach can be private property. Ballin' Invited some hippies we met on the beach over. There was a puppy fight. And drinking games. And pee pees. It rained the next day so we went to the aquarium.
  4. Got my papers in order. Went to my only class. Porch monkey'd. Headed out for the shore. Got there. Had a case and good chats. Lil Lucy's first beach trip.
  5. Re: a tranny is giving me a government job right fucking now!!! Have a 3way meth party with the tranny and cancer chick.
  6. You also paint those tiny Roanoke Cement hoppers that roll past the parking lot on campus.
  7. Yeah the hollow with blue D is tight.
  8. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!! Wrong page
  9. Where you at in Sweden? Ill be in Goteborg this summer.
  10. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!! Hard Skins?
  11. Its ok. You had some fat girls to split open. Good shit!
  12. Word up. Captain of Denmark. Hockey is fucking raw this games as well.
  13. I hope someone gets smacked for that last one.
  14. Re: a tranny is giving me a handjob right fucking now!!! A lot of you dude are getting real gay trying to say Dow is gay. Coming up with weird ass hypotheticals. Dude got jerked off by a dude. Let him think whatever cuz he had a Slayer shirt on. My girl is already snoring next to me while yall talking about blowing a Thai lady boy while fingering a bald dude with a pussy and roid pimples.
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