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Everything posted by c-walk

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear new client, Not only are you sexy, you made my day telling me all the stuff I did for you was amazing. Little do you know I think it's awful and you know nothing about lay outs and that little thing called white space, it's nice to have sometimes. It's okay though because you have a pretty smile. -workrulesoner
  2. c-walk


    ^ Thats the set up I ride daily to run errands with, i hate it. Too cheap to put any money into it right now though.
  3. c-walk


    Picked up a Specialized Toupe after reading a few reviews and talking to a few guys at my local shop. With a discount it ran me around 130, which wasn't terrible. I hear it takes some getting used to a new saddle so this should be fun for a little while.
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Work, You decided to start paying me for my internship. Today was my first paycheck. $600 for two weeks, not too shabby considering this was supposed to be unpaid. - LovinLifeOner
  5. c-walk


    I've been looking at the Selle San Marco as far as saddles go. Cant remember which exact one but it's a decent price, around $120.
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear salami sandwich, You are just what I needed for lunch. -walk
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Casek, Thats gold, I'm actually surprised they got away with that ad. -walk
  8. c-walk


    It's closed, but still lingering around. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=111785&page=17&highlight=216+cleveland
  9. c-walk


    Bump this Rila, trying to get back on track before the thread goes through another 5 pages of bullshit.
  10. c-walk


    Thanks for the rundown chief. No one else knew any of that, none of it. It was all a mystery.
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Fruit Basket, You arrived at work for someone who already left early from the back office. After notifying him, he said we could eat you. You were delicious with your little pineapple flowers and whatnots. -healthyoner
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear saturday night, Free beer, secksin, and a $50 gas card just for driving an hour to see this girl. This could turn out to be really awesome. -optimistic oner Dear Boat, Touche. -walk
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Boat, I always read your user name black boats hoes, it was far more humorous that way. This is all. -walk
  14. c-walk


    Starting to ride clipless is so strange when you're used to cages. Took me a few days to not have the cleat just slip straight off the pedal. It's the worst when taking off from a major intersection and there are cars behind you and you miss you pedal like a jackass.
  15. c-walk


    feelin' that digit dizer jam.
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear sooks, My tum-tum is doing pretty okay. I'm on a crazy new work schedule as of now and it's taking a tole on my tummy. I'm getting used to it and getting back in control of the stress thing. Thanks again for the helpful hints. -walk Dear eeeeeeeedoggy, Relationships are funny like that, better to find out after the fact than during I suppose. -walk
  17. But if you get a keg of something that never gets old then you're okay. For instance a solid lager or ale which ever you prefer. Easy to drink and could be an every day kind of thing, or the beer you drink before the bar. Or you also have the option of buying pony kegs or soda kegs which will hold far less and are cheaper obviously.
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Edoggarllia, Tell your new man to beat the ex's ass. On related news though, everyone I kick it with no longer hangs out with me ex because of her actions. Makes things way more awesomer. -justsayinoner
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Ba-Boat, I'll see what I can do. She's seems like a classy lady in that reguard, but I barely know her. -walk
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Malin, I'm lovin' it. (no McD's theme song, and a no homo just in case) -walkskies
  21. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear lady friend, You are paying for my gas to come and see you. You rule pretty hard. Plus you look awesome naked. This is all. -contentoner
  22. c-walk


    I'm in the market for a new seat. The one I have was off an old Specialized and it got the job done for a while but anything over 50 miles and my junk with start to go numb. Anyone have any recommendations for a seat that would remedy that situation? Money is tight for right now but still being able to feel my balls on a ride is worth the extra couple bucks.
  23. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear edoggg, Finals week? What the hell kind of school do you go to that has class this long? Witch craft I tell ya! I've been done for the summer for the past three and a half weeks, damn. -walker
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