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Everything posted by c-walk

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear SSN, I've been taking these pills called 'Align' and they are the best thing thats ever happened to me. They are a probiotic and do wonders for the tummy problems. The pumpkin oil pills are hittin' the sweet spot too. P.S. thanks for saying hello. -walkernateroner
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Oontz, Hey, haven't talked to you guys in a while. How's it going? -walker
  3. c-walk


    who cares/seriously
  4. c-walk


    I lov the look of BMC. So clean. I don't like the all black though.
  5. c-walk


    Joker and Rubbish keep this thread pretty on point. I usually don't read much else unless I'm addressed in the post. Aside from that I picked up two pairs of specialized wool socks. Those things make my shoes feel 10 times better. Not to mention it cuts down on how funky my feet get.
  6. c-walk


    Acer, I doubt these will keep the sweat out of my eyes but the padding in my helmet does a damn good job of that.
  7. c-walk


    I just picked up a pair of Tifosi Glasses. They came with 4 pairs of interchangeable lenses. Pretty decent for under 60 bucks.
  8. c-walk


    I saw that the other day too. Makes me wonder what the fuck dude is doing out that way. There is nothing to do out there.
  9. Their 471 IPA is good and so is the Vanilla Porter. I don't care much for anything else they make though.
  10. Shitty picture but I was up in Michigan this past weekend and picked up a mix six of Keweenaw Brews. They all pretty much taste the same from what I've had so far... anyone else seen these? I bought them purely because I liked the illustrations and wanted to try something I've never had. Oh well.
  11. c-walk


    I paid 150 new for this saddle. Still worth the money though. Easily the happiest my ass has even been on a bike (nh).
  12. c-walk


    I'm not sure what the price range is but Ideo (a design frim/think tank) linked up Shimano to create the Coasting. It's fairly new and it pretty freaking rad. Check them out if you're looking for a cruiser. But maybe I just like them because they were concepted by Ideo. Who knows. http://www.coasting.com/
  13. This may be true. Depends on what the use is and what you're comfortable with.
  14. All depends on what kind of gun you want, and how much you're willing to spend. Do you want a semi-auto or a wheel gun (revolver)? Also since you're carrying it as a concealed piece you want it for personal protection. If you pick up a revolver I'd be looking for something like a .38 special. Thats just my preference though... It all kind of depends on what feels good to you (nh). Semi-auto and incredibly easy to conceal, Ruger makes a .380 ACP for about $349 brand new. Not the most powerful piece but it's tiny as hell. If you want something to put someone down though, Beretta makes compact 40 and 45's. Hell a lot of companies do that now too.
  15. Well I just picked up a Beretta Cheetah Used for $400.00 12 in the clip 1 in the hole I also couldnt pass up the Beretta Tomcat either for only $250.00 used
  16. My broke ass hasn't been getting into anything good as of lately. I did have an awesome Pumpkin Ale brewed at Great Lakes though. Never had a Pumpkin Ale that I can actually drink and enjoy. Shipyard makes a pretty decent one but I can only handle one or two before the sugar content gets to me.
  17. c-walk


    Thats what I've been doing. The past two days I've just been keeping a steady spin. Haven't pushed myself on it because I don't want to kill myself yet. Thanks.
  18. c-walk


    That pork is lookin good bump that nusr
  19. c-walk


    I rounded the right crank arm of my daily commuter. It loosens up every three days or so. It's a pain in the ass but it's better than buying a new crank set.
  20. c-walk


    Just bought a CycleOps mag trainer for 50 bucks from a professor at my school. It's pretty damn loud but I guess it just sounds like I'm vacuuming 3 times a week for about an hour or so. I'm so out of shape, what are some good intervals to start with on this trainer?
  21. c-walk


    wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah...
  22. c-walk


    That hide and done are nasty.
  23. c-walk


    IOU I think its about time you invest in a bus pass. I mean damn man didn't you just get your rear wheel stolen not too long ago? Just incase you do re-group you should invest in some locking quick release skewers.
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