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Everything posted by c-walk

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear chicken wings and beer from last night, You're killing me at work today. I ran out of my Align and those pills are mad expensive. I need to cop me another months worth. -upsettummyoner
  2. c-walk


    I'm good friends with my Local Bike Shop. I come in sometimes just to play catch with their dog who is always in the shop. I wear the dog out and take him off their hands for a little bit and all the sudden labor charges for truing a rim or two go out the window... it's a good relationship. They're nice people.
  3. c-walk


    The thing that helped me was volunteering at my bike co-op. You're biggest problem is setting your headset back together and making sure it's perfect. Meaning it doesn't shake nor does it bind. It seems simple but without proper tools its a fucking pain, same with the bottom bracket. Might be worth the extra cash to just buy a cartridge bottom bracket to save you the hassle. Other than that, you should be able to do it, figuring you can take it apart. Plus you can always ask questions on here, its easier to get shit answered here than on other bike forums, from what I've noticed.
  4. c-walk


    There isn't really all that much fixie talk in here. There is a lot of track talk, but not much about "dude I did the gnarliest skid yesterday!!!" I'd like to hear more MTN bike talk though, I've never gotten into it before but it seems like a lot of fun and want to start looking into it.
  5. c-walk


    read more killin' it
  6. c-walk


    When you finish it, are you painting it or what? I want to strip down my daily commuter to just the metal and then blue it with gun bluing and then clear coat it. Always wanted just the metal look on a bike.
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Clavicle, Hurry up and heal, I'm pretty bored not being able to do anything. Two more weeks with this brace and then you can suck it. -brokenoner Dear Internship, This is my last week then I go back to school. Maybe we can work something out for next summer when I graduate? Huh? That would rule cause you guys have way too much fun at work and I barely even feel like I'm working while I'm there. -c-walkins
  8. c-walk


    Seems like you're just going in this blind without any research. I'd suggest reading up on it a little more before getting to involved. Get yourself sized at your bike shop and mimic those measurements. Try to get in touch with someone else who does hand build frames.
  9. Damn crooked. I just had this last night, Fancy? Nope. Decent? Yes, but the stout is better. I haven't been ontop of my beer game for a minute now since I'm back home from school. When I get back though, it's on. So many little ma and pa type shops around the area with strange beers.
  10. c-walk


    There is an applicator for the CO2. They're around 20 bucks and worth the money. The tubes you're thinking about are presta valves and it's honestly the same thing. All they are, are the shrader valves minus the hard plastic body around the stem. I don't know what the benefit is to these but it's seemingly a lot harder to find 700c X18-25 with the shrader valve anymore. Plus the options with weight and varying thickness on the presta valve tubes is much higher. The kevlar beaded tires are average priced but you have to remember that they are going to be heavy since the added material in the tire.
  11. c-walk


    Whoa wait what? One arm? Did he at least have some sort of attachment that ran from his arm to his handlebars? I feel like I need a picture or see this in person to completely understand how this is even possible.
  12. c-walk


    Give it a test ride and see how you feel on it. You never know it could be THAT seat that you've been looking for. You won't know till you try. When you do, report back cause it looks fucking crazy.
  13. c-walk


    Looks like a cheese grater for your balls. I'm assuming it's a special saddle that might relieve pissing yourself and other such problems.
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Zeeeeeeeeeeeeebs, I appreciate it. I've just been steady drunk since I've found out so I have no idea what it actually feels like now. -wasteoflifeoner Dear Chicago, You're really not that cool. I came here for the weekend and I'm not that impressed. Maybe tonight will be better. Signing off -walk
  15. c-walk


    I got my legs taken out from under me and landed on my shoulder. Guess I was a little too close to the slip n' slide.
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear 12oz, I found out my clavicle is broken... it's been broken for a solid 5 days now. I thought I could walk it off but turns out I couldn't and now I have to wear this stupid brace for 6 weeks. They didn't even give me anything for the pain. This is some bullshit. -angryatlifeoner
  17. c-walk


    Found out my collar bone is broken today... won't be on my bike for a good 6 weeks. Hell I won't be doing much of anything really.
  18. c-walk


    I swear I posted this earlier but maybe it's just one of those days. I like the Toupe because of the shape. the Toupe Gel has a little extra something there to help with road vibration and to pick up the slack on potholes. A nice pair of shorts is all the padding you need. It's especially nice on longer rides because there is nothing there to irritate you. Just my $.02
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Cali, No, I was at a slip n' slide party minding my own when I got my feet taken out from under me, did a full flip and landed all my weight on my shoulder while simultaneously faceplanting. Not enough whiskey at the party to make the pain go away. Shit sucks. -swollenoner
  20. c-walk


    Been riding this saddle for close to 4 weeks now and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. It was well worth the money in my opinion and saves my taint on long rides. I love this saddle.
  21. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear shoulder, You fucking kill. It looks like there is a baseball attached to it... I can't move my arm because of you. Fix yourself! - hurtoner
  22. c-walk


    Acer, the numbness in your dick isn't going to be fixed by a seat with a cut-out. It also has to actually fit you. Ideally the seat should be the proper width meaning your sit bones in you ass are what is sitting on the seat dispersing the weight of you on your sit bones. Otherwise your weight is put in between your sit bones cutting off the blood flow to vital parts... So a cut out wont fix all your problems.
  23. c-walk


    Not really at all...
  24. c-walk


    i just lost... but cool find. I'll try to keep up on that
  25. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Work, I have to give my first big presentation to a client tomorrow. I'm stoked. -excitedoner
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