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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. lol, so rare too @Kults, who the fuck else is into Moral badges. We're half a decade ahead of our times by my calculations.
  2. The citizens of the country imposing any import tax, or tariffs are exactly the ones that pay the tax. Either by paying the import tax directly themselves, or by paying the subsequent higher prices down the line. Technically, if the tariffs could raise enough cash to pay for a wall,, not a single dime would come from the pocket of a Mexican. Aside from who pays the taxes, the loss in trade negatively effect the importing country. To be more accurate, it effects all parties involved negatively. In most cases, the country imposing the tariffs on imports is hurt more. Think of the guy who decides that even though the quality is nice, and prices are lower, he doesn't like his local grocer for whatever reason. If he decides to drive further, and/or pay higher prices for groceries he would have otherwise preferred to buy locally, who is most impacted by his vengeful actions? A bit oversimplified but it illustrates the point. I could take out "Wall" and replace it with "Trade War" and the meme would be even more fitting.
  3. Cool gift idea for the enemy combatant that already has everything. Just enter in their coordinates at checkout and they'll receive our autonomous air delivery system express, at no extra charge.
  4. I'd end all taxation cold turkey in a fucking heartbeat. Massive fallout for sure, but it would correct our steering as a country faster than any other bullshit solution a politician ever came up with. That's not to say I don't enjoy & benefit from some of the things the government spends my stolen/extorted funds on. For these necessities that i'd rather not give up, I'd gladly pay a private institution to keep supplying me like toll roads, private security, an insurance company with it's own fire brigades etc. For the other stuff I don't like paying for like corporate welfare, paychecks for congressmenz & wimminz etc. they'll have to do a better job at convincing me it's a good investment on my part if they want to get any funding. Imagine, every person, every business instantly becoming 30-40% more profitable, with about 10% or less costs to cover what the gubernmint used to do a shit job of. Instead of our economy bleeding money wasted on frivolous bullshit, individuals will be empowered to vote with their dollar to pay for whatever they actually need/want, not what someone else decided to dictate they "need".
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