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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Also funny because the photographers clamoring to get the best shot, entering the shots of the other photographers removes the impact of making the photo look upstaged, and real. Like seeing a boom mic enter a shot, it reminds you it’s a staged movie scene and you temporarily leave the fantasy catching a glimpse of reality.
  2. Not that I don’t think she’s accidentally right about this, but the hater in me Imagines what it was like as a kid being locked up. I imaging seeing some luxuriously adorned politician gets out of an air conditioned SUV, and proceeds to do a fully staged photo shoot in front of dozens of photographers. Nice taxpayer funded Movado tho. Years ago I had a fake one of the men’s version, little diamond @ 12:00 fell off the face behind the glass after the 2nd time wearing it. Best $10.00 I’ve ever spent.
  3. Not that I don’t love where this is going, but find it strange nobody is renouncing this publicly. Really going to suck if the goons on other side continue escalating. *watches as system eats itself alive*
  4. @misteravenTime yes, inclination... Naturally not much good to say about this debate from me. Social/Economic policies with no concern over their long term impact, designed only as an appeal to emotions to win. Most candidates don't even believe what they're spouting, and hope they don't have to follow through on their bullshit and sink the ship. This fake we care approach didn't work last time. Logic, or the appearance of thinking logically has lost it's importance entirely. Naturally the most Socialist of the bunch, BS is at an advantage in an environment void of logic, and driven by emotion. Lucky for him this is exactly how he's framed the discussion during the last Primary. The only real question moving forward is if one of the front runners has enough party juice for another rig. Sanders wins the nomination otherwise, but he won't beat Trump in a general election, nor could any of the other candidates if we're being honest, I mean HRC was supposed to be sure thing.
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