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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Surprisingly, I'd say the right does this way more. "...and who's going to pay for it..." Corporate subsidies, wars, excessive military spending in general. When it's all said and done they've consistently increased spending/deficits since I turned 18 and voted for Clinton his 1st term. I actually do like helping those in need (by voluntarily sharing my own capitol/time) and admittedly I need to step my game up in this department. My mom puts me to shame in this department, volunteers twice a week at the blind center, donates cash, donates to her church, assembles hundreds of these little care packages to donate to kids in need over seas etc. At best I've donated money, and only to shit I get a tremendous benefit from like the Mises Institute, public radio, etc. The only way to smash this system is if we can take care of each other, and defend ourselves, and our rights voluntarily.
  2. Please, let us have a moment of silence to show respect for our hero, the no snitch parrot of DC.
  3. I didn't even notice until now, WTF???? There's side cheek in that shot of the thiiiiiiiick ass musket I posted.
  4. You'd be surprised, there are people from multiple political backgrounds that both pay more than you or I ever will in taxes, then donate most of their money left over to charity on top of that. While it's technically "aid" to the poor forcibly taking someone else's money, then give a small portion of it to help the poor, that's not really charity, or admirable in my opinion. Only a convincing tool for justifying the initial theft Real charity is actually producing the capitol, then forgoing consumption of it yourself, then choosing to share it with someone else without expecting anything in return (this includes votes). Also, if you give money to the poor yourself, the money is rarely funneled towards no knock raids, unjust military occupation, etc.
  5. Infringing on only one amendment is weak, if you're not going after the first you hate babies. I better watch what I think/express.
  6. @KultsTop 3 Authors of all time for me. Just finished Black Rednecks & White Liberals, pure gold.
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