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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Mercer


    @Hua GuofangMy best guess is he was a sociopath (clearly) trying to stand out during the first year of his career by doing "excellent police work" finding drugs and making more arrests than his peers.. Being interested in this subject I've noticed crooked police like this (along with sexual predators) tend to target people they think nobody else will find credible. Sometimes the sexual predator and crooked police officer are one in the same.
  2. Mercer


    @Hua Guofangis that one of the people from the planting drug videos? Tried news googling it but nothing came up but a murder suicide.
  3. Mercer


    Former Florida deputy accused of falsifying drug arrests is being held on a $1 million bond. https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/01/us/florida-deputy-false-drug-arrests/index.html TBH shocked they're actually going after him
  4. Mercer


    I can't, maybe@misteravenhas a technique I think he's primarily in here on mobile.
  5. Gilling after the thunderstorm highly recommend these
  6. Mercer


    I can't think of a reasonable circumstance where it's appropriate to put drugs into a suspects wallet like that, but that's just me. Here's another one that's not so cut and dry, and pretty controversial:
  7. Mercer


    So what's your excuse for the putting drugs in his wallet thing, just having a little fun?
  8. Mercer


    IDK, pretty straight forward. Is there a legitimate reason to motioning to your partner like "should I put this bag of drugs in his wallet?" and your partner to nod yea to you, then later on in the report you say the drugs were discovered in the wallet? This exact thing happens pretty frequently, and the police usually get caught doing it when their departments are new to body cameras, like in this case before word gets out they pre-record. They hit the record button to get video evidence of them "discovering" the drugs, not realizing the thing is constantly recording, and when you hit the record button it automatically saves the previous 30 seconds where you planted the drugs. First case I saw like this one was in Baltimore, where the cop planted drugs inside something that would have been impossible to find during a normal search like in a can or something. Same scenario, wanted to record himself heroically "finding" the drugs, but inadvertently recorded himself planting them seconds earlier. Fun fact, they usually never charge themselves with drug possession and are actually hard to convict, even in clear cut cases like this where people just assume cops are somehow better people than normal citizens. Here's a more recent example of a pig that did this so frequently his own department investigated him for over a year because he'd get good citizens with nothing to hide to consent to a search (BTW never consent to a search).
  9. Mercer


    General news stories of Police misconduct, and lack of accountability.
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