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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. @DETOProbably reddit, and after @MrSirius2ndposted that I'm beginning to doubt it. Might be on Snopes.
  2. Speak for yourself, I've printed that out and taped it to the back of my wifes head a couple of times already.
  3. @DETO heard somewhere today his father caught him doing something minor as a little kid, and sent him to the police station with a note that said to "put him in a cell for 5 minutes, but don't tell him how long it will be for" as some sort of punishment. They said a good bit of his stories dealt with false imprisonment as a result, but I can't think of a single Hitchcock story involving false imprisonment.
  4. @misteravenWhat are your thoughts on these new milling machines people can buy like the ghostgunner? It's designed to allow random citizens the means to mass produce their own unregistered weapons in their garages. I believe drilling the full auto hole in any receiver is still illegal, but unless you're in NJ this decentralized production process is still completely legal minus the full auto of course.
  5. You don't say? This can only be described as extreme political dicklessness, anything sharper than a butter knife and the state will violently kidnap and if need be kill you just to enslave you.
  6. the Brady bill is considered by many to be the most infringing gun law to date, I banned some weapons, including took away the right for the general public to own fully automatic machine guns of even small caliber. Even more significant is how the bill outlines several technicalities, and made changes to federal law that for example: made drilling a hole in a lower receiver a felony. Before then, you could buy/sell a fully automatic weapons like the popular Thompson machine gun, or a fully automatic M-16's for example (the military version of an AR-15). Today, some of the licensed M-16's are still technically allowed to be sold legally to the public and they go for a premium. Outside of these rare cases the only entity allowed to have fully automatic weapons is ironically the entity responsible for the vast majority of murders. As far as Regan/Clinton goes, in U.S. Politics the President can use their political clout to sponsor, or promote a bill. The actual negotiations and work of passing of the bill is done by the legislative branch. Technically the bill did pass under Clinton's Presidency, but it's no secret the bills main sponsor was Regan, and this bill was his final parting gift of any political significance. He was able to pull enough Republicans into voting for it allowing it to pass. The guy the Bill is named after (Brady) took a bullet along with Regan when a crazed fan of Jodi Foster's (American actress opposed to Regan) tried assassinating Regan. Regan fully recovered, I think Brady was paralyzed from the incident if I remember correctly. On a more positive note, from this tragedy a band named themselves JFA, short for" Jodi Foster's Army" and they turned out to be very influential contributors to the Thrash scene late 80's. Before I leave this on a positive note I have to say Fuck Clinton, Regan, and Brady.
  7. This is turning into a good debate in here, good read. Props all around and please continue. on an unrelated note pertaining to victimless crimes:
  8. The short answer: The Australian public seems like it prefers a somewhat more totalitarian state when compared to America. We've historically had a much stronger tradition (in general) of favoring "Innocent until proven guilty" when it comes to political theory. Taking away someone's rights without a trial used to be looked down upon. Obviously in the current political climate that's no longer the case. In the name of drug wars Republicans prefer "civil asset forfeiture" (State Theft) laws where the state can seize your property without proving a thing, simply implying you may have been involved in a victimless crime somehow. They also prefer a system where locking up, or excluding certain flavors of brown people on "suspicion", with no trial, phone call, or lawyer is the norm. So we have people that hate freedom here just as much. The paradox is this same political party (that should be defending "innocent until proven guilty" values in relation to gun rights) is in stark contrast in favor of 2nd amendment rights in comparison to their 2 party opponents. Ironically, they're the party actually responsible for passing many of the modern gun laws via Reagan's "Brady Bill" severely infringing on these rights..
  9. No trial, no jury, just an accusation and armed men come to your peaceful neighborhood and rob you. Gun Violence.m4v
  10. I think it's all horse shit, anyone who feels like racism actually effects their lives is usually a gigantic pussy, white, brown, or black. You're never going to get rid of racism 100% until you get rig of humans. At the same time, you can cross the line in the name of fighting racism. It's common for people to cause more harm than good, and in many cases actually be racist, while fighting racism. I've had problems in my own life due to racism, I figured them out, and moved the fuck on because life is too short. Something I'd recommend to any alt righter's, or SJW's that are offended. Imagine me trying to force a thought out of another person's mind, It'll never happen. If someone is the victim of actual racism which does happen, like an assault for example, there are already laws in place against assault. Laws should be color blind. Truth is, plenty of mechanisms in place for you to seek justice in all these potential violations (unless the police do it). Even in that case it's not a race/racism problem, so much as a law enforcement accountability problem. Turning that into a racial thing only diluted the issue and set the cause back another decade IMO. Same thing with shooters, no victim ever cares if the person was racist, what more important to them is the fact that a bullet struck them. Bringing it back full circle, ponder this: Ultimately, gun control IS just another form of unnecessary gun violence. Like if law abiding citizens are threatened with violence and ordered to give up their private property that is violence. Enforcing the law is violent. Gun laws are an infringement on your right to protect yourself, and swap one form of violence for another. Trust me, if you think it's a fair trade you're not going to like the results. This violence really does end up with unnecessary deaths that instead of being tallied as such, get lumped in with the general pool of "justifiable" police homicide (6th leading cause of death for young males of all races), a much worse statistic than random shooters.
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