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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. The last man to die in WWII 1945, Leipzig, April 18, 1945 An American soldier killed by German shooters in Leipzig, 1945. War photographer Robert Capa took this iconic photo of an American soldier shot and killed by a German soldier in the battle for Leipzig on April 18, 1945. The soldier became known as the ′′ last man to die′′ in WWII after the picture appeared in Life's Victory Parade magazine. During the final days of the war, a machine gun squad entered a Leipzig building in search of positions to establish cover points that protected soldiers from the 2th U.S. Infantry advancing across the bridge. Two squad members found an open balcony that commanded an unobstructed view of the bridge, and set up their firing position there. It was there that a German bullet found the GI. War photographer Robert Capa climbed the apartment through a window of the balcony to photograph the dead, who was lying on the open door, with a luftwaffe lamb skin helmet on his head. ′′It was a very clean death, somehow very beautiful and I think it's what I remember most about the war", Capa recalled two years later in a radio interview. The soldier has been identified as Raymond J. Bowman, 21, born in Rochester, New York. In January 1944, he was sent abroad to the UK in preparation for Operation Overlord. Bowman served in France where he was injured in action on 3 August 1944, and later in Belgium and Germany. Life magazine article did not identify the soldiers in photos by name, although Bowman's family recognized him by the small pin (which featured his initials) that he always wore on his collar. The images were published in the Victory edition of Life magazine on May 14 with the caption ′′The Picture of the Last Man to Die". It would become one of the most memorable images from World War II. In July 2015, Leipzig, Germany voted to name the street (formerly called Jahnallee 61) in front of the building where Bowman was killed as ′′Bowmanstraße′′ in his honor. The name change took place on April 17, 2016. The building now contains a small memorial with Cover photos and information about Bowman.
  2. Always better when they hire strippers.
  3. Yea, really dig working with the format, hard to go wrong if you keep it short regardless of familiarity with original reference.
  4. I have a problem with all government spending, not just the majority of it (that goes towards military killing folks) but every last penny. That's not to say that I'm denying that the government can do great things sometimes, and benefit society. My thing is, it's impossible to arrange a hegemonic governance system that doesn't cause net harm, or a net loss to society. Nationalists think they've got a cool hack where State based harm/violence is directed at "the other" and their society benefits Socialists think they can direct most of that harm/violence towards the rich/non-believers and their society will somehow benefit. lol Minarchists think they can limit the obvious net harm caused by a Hegemonic State, with a magical legal document limiting it's power/scope. big fucking lolz All three are retarded wrong. Any time I see people simp'n for these insignificant side benefits the state affords them, It doesn't tip my scales of value. The pro's are vastly outweighed by the con's side on my scales. So it's not that I wan't less people in school, or less help for the poor, or whatever people think only a state can achieve, I simply despise the state. Believing hegemony is the only/best route to me is like some dumb ass parent thinking beating their child half to death in an effort to alter their behavior is the responsible thing to do. Yea, spanking does work, but there's this other method that requires a little more thought that's vastly superior.
  5. Not sure if you’re really asking if I think there shouldn’t be any doctors or lawyers etc. lol I’m saying people need to think before signing away tens of thousands of dollars. They need to think will this degree be worth that much money. Maybe it will bring you 900k increased earnings over a lifetime, maybe it’s worth paying back even if it’s not going to pay for itself. My point is I’m not paying for anyone else’s mistake while making that decision, if they regret their degree/debt it’s 100% not my fault. If college attendance wasn’t distorted by these rules we all get together and think our great ideas, a college degree would pay for itself like it used to before the loan guarantees. Our government guarantees large a debt to lenders who finance college for young people. Great program if you’re trying to avoid entering the workforce at the bottom of the food chain. So now you’ve got the perfect storm for people earning non stem degrees as you had mentioned liberal arts, basically with degrees they have no clue what entering the workforce with one will get them. Did I mention because the feds guarantee the loan, you can’t file for bankruptcy, and now you’re a slave not only to taxes, but paying back that predatory loan. Sad? Yes. My fault, or responsibility, no. I’ve already have a communist dictatorship I’m 100% responsible for, my family. I only consent to be a cool dude and not violate the rights of everyone else, (especially able bodied young people) I do not accept responsibility for them. With that said why spread the burden of their poor decision out to burden everyone. You’re not exactly encouraging responsible behavior.
  6. In many cases It’s fucking laziness. “I don’t know what I want to do but I’ll go to school to figure it out (instead of being productive/contributing continue leaching 4 to 8 more years)”. Next thing you know, “I’m not paying this back, that blue collar worker there, we can just add it on to his taxes”.
  7. It's simple economics, if the degree isn't able to pay for itself it's a poor investment. You might think a person who get's any type of degree is better off, so why does my blue collar ass, who's supposedly worse off need to pay for someone else's degree. Like did they pay for my Makita drill with dust extractor so I could earn more money? No, because that's stupid I should pay for my own tools. There's no logic behind me paying for their's, especially if it's not making them more money. College degrees used to be a rare commodity before we all decided everyone should have a degree, now, since practically everyone does there's no shortage of people with degrees. The supply, is simply unbalanced with the demand, why fight the laws of basic economics and in an attempt to throw it off even more? Not a very smart move IMO but what do I know I don't have a useless degree.
  8. Been studying videos of Joe Biden, Jill keeps his ass from violating social distancing/rona. End of debate, famous body language moment Jill gives Joe victory hug, Trump gives Melania I'll get em next time arm pat Liberals like to highlight. Right after the clip, Joe's dumb ass goes up to the moderator to thank him for throwing Trump off, and violates social distance, but he almost has to drag Jill into that foul, moderator tells him "fuck off joe, no sniffs" off the mic. There's another video of them outdoors, he's got no mask and she pulls him back away from the people he's instinctually trying to shake hands with like a normal campaign where he sniffs people all day. This social distancing thing might be preventing clips of Joe sniffing women, and babies. He's being prevented from violating personal space and post rona clips of him making people uncomfortable aren't circulating throughout the internet, and MSM like they would under normal circumstances. Another way rona is effecting the 2020 election. Between his wife playing wet nurse, and Harris keeping him stress free he's got a pretty effective campaign team.
  9. Good thing I didn't waste a bunch of money going to college for a useless degree that won't pay for itself. Now I can just be forced by my government to pay for someone else's useless degree. So at least I've got that going for me, which is nice.
  10. There's also a rumor Harris is not the best politician around, but was born with this extraordinary ability to milk a dick dry in less than 15 seconds, and that's how she got her start in politics. That's why her voice always cracks emotionally when she's on stage, she's not built for this debate shit and after Tulsi she's got PTSD. Public appearance isn't her thing, she's more behind the scenes. She's been providing stress relief for her male superiors her entire career leading up till this moment where that tornado tongue landed her the VP title. Biden's team knew their beloved Lord Fingerbang would have a hard time holding it down, staying out of trouble without getting caught sniffing children, finger rapin', etc. Getting Harris on their team was sort of their last ditch effort after Elisabeth Warren failed the VP audition and actually bit Biden's pee pee earlier this year. Harris intercepted Biden's wrinkly old rape sausage after the last debate on some "the first one's free" type shit and sucked out that old man's dust nut out before he got in trouble. Since then, they've been inseparable during the campaign, the general public has no Idea how hard she's working to secure the Presidency for the Democrats minus most of June when Harris had a "cold sore" outbreak and took some time off.
  11. Where the fuck is Tulsi when you need her, god damn I'd like to see a steel cage match between her and Harris. No respect for a Prosecutor/DA destroying countless lives for crimes that may, or may not have had a victim. Personally find it shameful for a state to have one of the highest incarceration rates, in the highest incarceration rate countries in the world. On the other side of things, Pence had rona eye and looked evil AF, he also ate at Times Square Olive Garden, a crime that he should be sitting on death row for. That's never forgive action.
  12. Because it distracts from the two 70 year olds with dementia that couldn't finish complete thoughts, or debate properly.
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