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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Fundamentals are unstoppable without shutting down/unplugging the internet itself. People run full nodes on TOR itself and the protocol itself is based on cryptography. Technologically the protocol is designed to be immutable. The real problem is SEC enforcement actions on major crypto exchanges, and other "above ground" mainstream brick and mortar businesses, trying to squeeze the bridge between fiat currency and crypto shut. In this case, the government can do anything it wants to, making it difficult to even use, and effecting the price. There are several politicians smart enough to know how dangerous this genie is and have wanted to shut it down. Problem is, Agorism is the foundational philosophy that created, and made Cryptocurrency what it is. A tool to end state interference and provide economic freedom for individuals. Even if the dooms day happens and the government shuts down all exchanges, and launches some sort of drug war style enforcement action on crypto, it's already too ingrained in the black, and grey markets in the U.S. for sex work, drugs, tax evasion, and other grey market activity. Western Union losing business now for international transactions. Always will be free because of cryptology. This is the crypto Anarchist manifesto, written by Satoshi Nakimoto's predecessors before we had cryptocurrency, or really the internet for that matter, these are the guys that plotted the path that I, and many others are on now.
  2. The supreme art of war is to defeat your enemy without fighting. There has never, even once, been a successful revolution based on violence. Each time lead to more government, granted in a different form, but in the end even more oppressive. Non-violence is the only way to force real change.
  3. Taking crypto gains, and rolling them into more gains by paying off politicians, getting headlines, driving the price up even further. Pretty sure Trump will be the last anti-crypto President. It's to the point now where it would cause major havoc on the economy and old ladies Roth IRA's if they made crypto illegal.
  4. Short answer, they're all criminals. If she was at the top of the food chain and got eaten, it would cause too much instability for every other crook on the take. There hasn't been a president yet that didn't violate at least international law on some level. Crime is one of the main perks of this highly sought after job. You like beating you wife, fucking little kids, whatever, you better at least be a cop, all the way up to the top of the government. Imagine a cop treating a politician the same way they treat everyone else, it will never happen unless it's a short career having ass cop. Imagine the balls it takes to go to your superior and say you're investigating the Clintons. You'd be shut down by "higher ups" almost immediately.
  5. What's the point of making money if you never spend it? I do plan on selling at least one bitcoin next year at some point.
  6. Been reading up on this, the story is intentionally vague because the bitcoin was most likely stolen by the agents that put Ross Ulbricht away, and it looks bad for the government every time they admit they're going after themselves basically. The private keys were used to move $1B worth of bitcoin recently from a known Silk Road address. Any time a large amount from a non exchange, older address moves we all know. So it appears the feds actually have control over it as that's what this appears to be related to. What happens when you've got this much Bitcoin to sell, and you're the government, it goes to auction as one massive sale which doesn't effect the price directly. In fact, nobody ever dumps this much on an exchange because there aren't enough buy orders placed to purchase this much. Hypothetically, if someone decided to dump on Coinbase Pro for example, there's only like 100 million dollars worth of USD deposits on that exchange at any given time. The buy orders go from the current price, down to some lowball offers to purchase bitcoin for 10% of it's current price. There are far more lowball offers to buy on an exchange, than realistic offers to buy close to the most recent exchanges, so most of the bitcoin dumped would go to buy orders far less than the current price. Once all 100 million dollars worth of open orders get filled, I could theoretically go on there (with god like timing) and offer a dollar for whatever's left in that open sell order and walk away rich off the price bounce. This instant drop in price would cause what we call a "flash crash" which doesn't happen that much more these days for bitcoin,. I survived the last major flash crash, it was spring 2017 I think for Ethereum on GDAX (Now Coinbase Pro). It had a bit of a lasting effect on ETH's price after the instant bounce back up, but just like the major drop the pandemic made, the momentum of the market's every day back and forth canceled it out in less than a month. What will most likely happen is the government will hold an auction, and large bitcoin exchanges, and major investors will all get a chance to bid on it as a single sale for all of it. It will def go for less than the current market price, and then it can be either put back into circulation or held. If I had to guess, Greyscale trust will most likely be the buyer. They've been meticulously buying almost half the new bitcoin/ETH being mined this year and already hold close to $6B in crypto leveraged against way more cash they desperately want to invest (without driving up the price drastically much like a flash crash). This company holds crypto, and then sells shares of "stock" on these assets at a huge premium. Like if you wanted an entire bitcoin worth of stock from them it would cost 5 to 10 times the price of actually buying a bitcoin. Why? You can put greyscale stock in your 401k, Roth, Mutual fund etc. as a long term hold, and everyone wants a little bit of crypto in their retirement portfolio these days. tFew people actually know how to buy/hold bitcoin themselves, and neither do their brokers, but greyscale is a different story. The reason I think Greyscale would buy it is they're extremely careful about the bitcoin they buy, they prefer newly mined bitcoin that hasn't been used in any illegal transactions or associated with any addresses that have. A big purchase of clean coin straight from the government itself would be a wet dream for them.
  7. me_after_i_buy_NIO_calls_at_its_time_high_and_the_stock_continues_to_go_up-zejc79mx74y51.mp4 News, elections, wars? Only thing I care is how it effects the price of crypto, and can I reserve the lambo yet.
  8. Honestly don't know the movie you're referencing myself, but if the meme is good enough you don't need to know the reference. Pull the movie up and screenshot the frames you want to use.
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