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Everything posted by beanshore

  1. he's not from here, but you'll like it anyway
  2. i hate you guys so much. i was about to steal some photos from tuanie tuan but he has the disabler thing on them. just look at this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tuanie_tuan/
  3. bump oatis AND busk, two of the chillest guys you'll ever meet.
  4. No flavor of four loko is where it's at, fuck that stuff.
  5. it would also put all your local dealers out of business
  6. haha, how can a video with no graffiti be toy? on an unrelated note, fuck name droppers. who you've met and hung out with doesn't make you cool.
  7. you again? fuck off. try to act like you don't care but you keep coming back here.
  8. Bud Clark My friend has a poster of that in his basement edit to my edit: too much information
  9. triel and mover, the pool at grant high school stolen from Outlaw Vandal's flickr
  11. that seemed like a pretty innocent comment, weird one to get called out for...
  12. i posted new flicks, i get to bullshit a bit to make up for this one here's a few throwbacks
  13. hey, guy who i talked to earlier about Bonus and such, shoot me a PM if you're on here. I was the guy in tan shorts that forgot my change.
  14. obviously your experience would differ depending on where you go and why. I have a couple old friends that have been through it, but they don't talk about it much and i feel weird asking. i'd like to hear from some people that have actually gone, not just someone who watched American Me and an episode of Law and Order. so guys, whats prison like? just curious.
  15. you're still an active member despite tampons, i like your perseverance
  16. for those that play the guitar, you can take a bread clip such as this and stick it between your strap and the metal thing the straps attach to. if you do it right it makes it near impossible for your strap to slip off the guitar. maybe i didn't explain that so well, PM if you care for further instruction.
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