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Everything posted by beanshore

  1. sorry but i think that's a pretty badass way to go down for graff
  2. bump every single thing you just posted
  3. it's nice that you're not self posting your backyard bombing or anything
  4. ^haha, that's what i thought too carlo. and yes that was in portland
  5. imagine the scrape you could get if you fell off those bikes
  6. steady just posted some of these, butt fuck it
  7. elboe, abide and other portlandish fellas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1R0X1jQztM
  8. ^post your stupid art somewhere else.
  9. those GIFs make me cringe. and this is really sick
  10. bump busk and gossip out of context
  11. maybe if it's THEIR house, but if not, don't bring their family into it. but hey, that's just my opinion
  12. ^i like it a lot more, but then again i grew up here so i'm a little bias. you should come visit and decide for yourself
  13. haha, that's how i got that tour. and i'm diggin that feather stuff
  14. why would you let some guys clothes and the way he dances bother you? it's not like it's being shoved in you face, it's just what a few people decided to do with their time. i'm sure there are plenty of people that would say graffiti is a stupider hobby than dancing (even the stupid dances). i'm not saying it is, but it's a little hypocritical for people on here to be calling out other hobbies, when you partake in one that's not all that kosher in the first place. i don't jerk, i don't wear skinny jeans, and from now on i don't share my opinion on the internet, just saying.....
  15. looks like someones gonna need a paper bag with a hole
  16. who else was at nickatina? yeee
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