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Everything posted by beanshore

  1. stolen from the 'post your desktop' thread in ch0
  2. this is grosser than the pictures of naked dudes or people/animals shitting that people post from time to time
  3. don't leave me hangin, post whats on the left!
  4. but fellas! if i paint graffiti my parents will ground me
  5. ^really? you would kill yourself just because your not good at graffiti in a few years? that's a stupid thing to say
  6. thanks but no thanks dude, please dont share stories having to do with writer's capture on here, even if its just a rumor, it's better to keep it off the forum, just cause....ya know. I asked the question so my bad, but i was expecting a PM, if anything at all.
  7. i asked that same question a while ago and no one gave me an answer, which might be a good thing. but im still curious.
  8. ^^^^throw grisle and asmah on the list of non-garbage edit: you beat me to it
  9. look at that hard ass mother fucker wearin the glasses on the far left.
  10. i never heard about that, but i would not be surprised at all haha shes gonna be pissed when i tell her there was a little conversation about her on the oontz.
  11. Cezanne! bahahahaha, you would laugh too if you knew her.
  12. i dont like when people say 'bump', but bump the homie rashy.
  13. at least theyre bombing safely, helmets and all
  14. yo whats up with koer biting tech so hard?
  15. people have been posting with a lot of exclamation points recently!!!
  16. can't wait! the hollow thats being done at 2:00 can't actually be in San Fransisco like the title says, cause of the rashy tags that you can see in the corner, it mustve been filmed in ptown. edit: at least im pretty sure those are him...
  17. whats the blue thing on the far left? oh yeah, and i love toer characters
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