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Jean Claude Vandal

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Everything posted by Jean Claude Vandal

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO ehhhhhh ANZAC day whut whut!
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO I think/hope he was joking! Plus it sounds like its some random girl rather than wifey... I had a rare bout of serious weekday drinking the other night, I have some Aussies staying at my place and it was the armed forces day or whatever so they decided to honor the occassion with rediculous amounts of lager.....
  3. i vote for baron, although idigheavymetal's character's arm is nice... not sure bout the face...
  4. those trucks look as though they could transform into some killer neon robots...
  5. Re: TEAM ALCO yeah the boags premium was def. the beer of choice at open bars or if someone else was buying! I should clarify that I was v. low on cash by the time I made it to aust. and the weather and women were far too good to be at work all the time so I became a real cheap bastard! Whats this EB you speak of?
  6. Jean Claude Vandal


    i hate anything with the plastic look, I want the anaconda lux af1's but they are going to be steep...
  7. neither will getting smashed on your intoxicant of choice and playing mario kart, don't drink and drive my ass!
  8. sums up why he's globaly famous perfectly....
  9. Baron gets my vote, character gives it the edge, Fat crispies a close 2nd for simple flavour....
  10. Guy looks like a stalker, close your mouth slack jaw!
  11. Re: TEAM ALCO Nothing wrong with a VB, I drank heeps of that in Australia! Although Crown and Boags were better, VB was cheap as!
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