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Everything posted by bebopdeluxe

  1. One more highlight: about a year ago, el-presidente or someone like that posted a pic of a sticker on NE Fremont that had the street signs visible. I took off the sticker. A day or two later, the same guy posted a pic with the street signs fuzzed out. Funny.
  2. Hey y'all. I am resigning forever from this, the stupidest website in the world. Why? Because I don't want my hits to be recorded so that 12oz can earn more money from advertising, and then cheerlead for an arrogant crime, graffiti. Yes it's been fun for 4 years or so seeing tags that I've buffed, using your pics to find places to buff, etc. Highlights: a brief "friendship" with my nemisis, oddio. He once said that buffing was a noble thing to do. The funniest time was when, as Hindenberg, I got Classicgoatdriedstomach to think I was whoever paints Honest. I started a fake beef, and he and/or his TMR buddies painted over Honest for a while. What a hoot. So I'm out - I'll stick around for a day or two to see your responses for more mirth. Then I'm gone forever. I urge other cops and haters to pool your hits. Don't help pay 12oz's bills. You can have my logins: Robespierre, pass: Danton, and hindenberg, pass: ludendorff. Four or five other logins were stopped by the ever watchful 12oz moderators long ago. Byeeeee!
  3. I notice lately the only ads are for graff supplies. What happened to the Cherry Coke, Mac computers, Nike, etc?
  4. I feel honored indeed. I think Shai is right. It's all about money. I doubt they do much checking. And 12oz documenting only may be a stretch.
  5. Do they knowingly support a graffiti site, or are the ads run through some third party? I wouldn't guess that Nike or Apple would seek out 12oz. Your thoughts?
  6. Good spelling and grammar is a sure sign of a cop or hater. Real writers can't write for shit.
  7. Go back, say 50 or 100 pages, and find one time forgot. Some of them are pretty funny.
  8. :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook:
  9. :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook:
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD stolen from a defunct thread on "untitled"
  11. :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook:
  12. :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook:
  13. :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook:
  14. :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :shook: :shook: :shook: :shook:
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