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Everything posted by dylanresistance

  1. http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=622298416 rage, is that you at 1:23?
  2. what retail store would ever sell that huge of clothing?
  3. those shots are awesome decay. the parking spaces with the cone shot is amazing
  4. I went to laguna beach this last weekend. fucking beautiful out there.
  5. what wide angle? for what camera? just kind of curious is all.
  6. so dope dude. this picture made my night
  7. thanks man. I just got my SLR like 2 days ago, and I've just been doing a lot with it. I'll have some more up in a bit.
  8. Just up late, playing around with long exposures.
  9. sweeet. i love strife though man. legendary for sure.
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