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Everything posted by cola0793

  1. what will then brake fluid? i always get those mixed up... i know fish oil leaves ghosts
  2. bouncingsoul nice simples like them alot you still write knews? i reaaaaly like this one^ newish stuff and i know the x is played i just was feeling lazy
  3. will putting motor oil in my pilot make it more permanent?
  4. sorry for commenting on your stuff i guess i wont next time...
  5. you progress so fucking slow dude.... props and shit for doing simples but do you draw alot?
  6. fuck i hate my tag.... i need alota help i used to decent at handstyles then just concentrated on other shit and i sucked even worse
  7. cola0793


    omg thats hot^ i wish i knew what it said defr?
  8. the all my lights dont work one actually made me lol nice
  9. the letter structure is fine just make the s more noticable and make the bottom l's bar not so long
  10. cartoon type charac... newish throw and 2 letter sloppy bomb i know the charcs not good it was just me bored..
  11. its your credit score and it happens to be 720 the higher my credit score the less liable i am for fragudlent charges okay idk the last part
  12. yea for some reason pens are easier to do shit with probably cuz i draw more in school with bics than markers
  13. two letter throw for speed
  14. reminds me hella of mith's old ish wonderbread nice makybe make the k more noticable blink make the i bigger
  15. holy shit nice... thanks alot
  16. Re: mecha hitler http://encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Adolf_Hitler hahahahhah "Hitler was born in the small Austrian town of Glooberfsheckendinkilionunhiberunfiberlongburg at least 100 years ago into a family of 34 brothers, 2 sisters, 42 microwaves and 3 beds. Many believe this to be the source of Hitler's homosexuality though Hitler has been quoted to say "I had a few beers but nothing crazy happened". 4 of his brothers and 2 high ranking SS generals however claim that Hitler got the idea for blitzkrieg because he constantly splooged himself. During his school years Hitler had a what he claims was a "man-crush" and no more on Wilbur Wright of the Wright Brothers. After dropping out of high school he then enlisted in the German Army(Because the Austrian army was no more then 6 guys with pitchforks and a donkey that sometimes would haul a cart)and climbed to the rank of Gold Leader. Hitler was awarded with the Purple Heart after his X-Wing was shot down during the battle of Helm's Deep and he climbed through 2 miles of trenches laced with cocaine until he was able to reach a friendly outpost. After the Allies along with the help of that one black guy who was on Friends a couple years ago defeated Germany Hitler then disappeared for a bit. Several years later he was spotted again this time sporting his trendy moustache and was reportedly "More pissed off then ever"
  17. http://encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Mecha-Hitler aww yeaaa.....
  18. since when do i have to be good to tell people to shut the fuck up? im pretty sure i didnt say you sucked retard and i dont have my head held high no where did i imply that i thought my stuff was good EVER i know i suck more than anyone on the site but you dont have to be such a fucking asshole about it how do i learn something by listening to faggots like you just say your an idiot whos like 12 years old and sucks at life and graffiti kill yourself please i was proud i TAGGED no where did i say i was proud of my tag try reading at something higher than a 3rd grade level and i guess that whole shovel thing was just an attempt at humor whatever it was i was amazed at the amount of failure
  19. you mean like faces? eh i think they sorta played out unless you come up with something original/or do it right illl check him out though and try that idea thanks bump for freak n case he hasent seen and freak if you wanna do me one i write zers but you dont have to if you dont have enough time or something and that worms shit is dope above me but it looks hella like this mono piece
  20. you mean like on the swilry part like the rest of the letters with the hole? yea i know i dont like it either but it flows better than anything else ive tried if you could sketch it thatd be awesome but you dont have too freak ill try it no garentees though and dont be disappointed if it sucks(itll be hella basic i cant do much with other letters besides my name) like itll looks like this sorta style most likely but proportioned and a lil better ill get on it though
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