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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. That shit was pretty dope. Reminds me of skating around town in Philly, only Paris looks alot funner.
  2. Haha, me and my boys used to do that back in the day when we were like 16. :lol:
  3. Yo Pre, MB says to tell you for the second or third time to call him. He want's to meat up with you. He wants to do the same shit as those NY cats did to you. He can't wait.
  4. LOL!!! You snitched on my man Reno when you posted his phone number on SW you fucking nut! And MB's not a junky. Hasn't been for mad years. But I'll be sure to tell him that you tried to put him on blast like that.
  5. This is too funny. I can't tell if Pre's talking to Credit, or talking to himself in the mirror.:lol:
  6. Haha bump the homie Look getting up!
  7. Maybe you'd be doing something worth flicking if you didn't get shook and stop writing altogether when you heard you were wanted. Any writer that's been writing as long as Donk gets mad respect just on GP. Maybe dude could give a shit less about pieces, style or your aproval. He does what he does. And you don't
  8. Donk does his thing. And probably was doing it even before you oldhead. Hate all you want, but Donk gets his daps. And Boner crushed Brooklyn it's only natural that he would crush anywhere else he goes.
  9. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Am I the only one that thinks the first bitch looks like a crackwhore?
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo Yo why's my man half shoeless? Maybe his shit got ate off by the shark and he's trying to get it back. :lol:
  11. ???? Gangster??? Where were you in the early 90's??? Alls I see today is a bunch of faggots in skin tight pants and myspace hairdos. You have no idea what you're talking about. Fail.
  12. What it is is that nowadays every other 16 year old kid skates on a Plan B level. So Plan B itself just kinda fades into the mix with every other team out there. Maybe it's all the prenatal vitamins producing a super race this past 20 or so years where every other kid's a fucking superhero nowadays. Whatever it is.... it is what it is.
  13. The Hot was obviously done by Kid.
  14. Haslam is a fucking genius. Or an alien. One or the other.
  15. Hows about just calling it what it is. Switch frontside bigger spin heelflip.
  16. Peedi Crack's the truth! http://videos.onsmash.com/v/dP3zrPAPTb3WBp8w
  17. My man was crying about 2nd place in some big contest. Like they were supposed to give him sympathy points cause he kept skating after breaking his elbow or some shit. Then bitching at his pops for trying to tell him how lucky he is. I remember Andy MacDonald used to get hated on for being kinda full of himself, but this kid Sheckler is the worst. After watching one episode of that show I seriously wanna beat that kids ass if I ever see him.
  18. The only time I ever seen him he rolled up solo at Love park one night. Before that I seriously had no idea how tall that motherfucker was. My man was bluntsliding ledges like they were curbs. Rockin a 8.5 deck that looked normal size under his feet.
  19. Yooooo..... I aint watched MTV in at least a dacade probably longer. But I was flipping through the channels and saw some skating and watched what turns out to be a reality show based on the life and times of Ryan Sheckler. Holly shit! I had no idea what a DOUCH that kid is! :lol:
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