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  1. On 7/11/2024 at 12:02 AM, LUGR said:

    Yeah, that was ALOT of blood quick! They put razor blades on their feet right?


    Chickens are so weird, my friend had a bunch roaming around and they would come up and peck your toes if you weren’t paying attention. Guess they thought they were worms.


    That lady getting wedged between the cars looked like it could throw you hips out of alignment. Then the “content creator” used the word “rizz” what a 🤡.

    Did you know chickens are the closest living relative of T-Rex?
    Before yall go making this into a 20 year "dog wale" meme, then being humiliated when it turns out I was right all along, I learned that from a Snapple Fact. 😆

    • Truth 1
  2. On 7/17/2024 at 11:34 AM, misteraven said:

    I'll take a picture next time, but definitely higher than most of these. Regular unleaded is landing about $3.49 which is close to double of where we were at pre-covid.

    False. Gas has been hovering up and down around the same ballpark for the past 20 years, ever since Bush Jr pissed off the Arabs. 

  3. Dude cancer is my biggest phobia, and I have gnarly acid reflux that I have to take pills for or else I wake up at like 4 in the morning by vomiting stomach acid into my mouth and have to run to the bathroom to spit it out, rince it out and brush my teeth to get that shit the fuck out.
    My OG/mentor in graff died from the same shit you're going through.
    Best of luck to you, dude. 4 and 1/2 years of chemo is gnarly as fuck. But if you lasted this long, you must have a lot of fight in you and will probably make it out.
    Keep fighting, Rage.
    Fuck cancer. 
    Fuck cancer up so bad it never fucks wit you again. 💯

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  4. 51 minutes ago, fat ralphy said:

     @DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER Cali sells 91 at most big name stations.


    My old Mazda was tuned for E-85/91 mix at one point, that was dope because E-85 is always cheap and complimented the tune well. 



    E85 and 91 do not exist. I've literally driven through every state, multiple routes through multiple states between Texas and Connecticuit. I've also driven from Seattle Washington to Vancouver Canada, and the only gas octanes I've ever seen are 87, 89 and 93.
    Yall are lying bots.
    Where's the real Fat Ralphy?


    • Truth 1
  5. 5 hours ago, T4M* said:




    Any weird numbers have their own ratio of Ethanol, not available everywhere. Most numbers you recognize will have 10% or less of Ethanol.  15% to 85% of Ethanol is not available everywhere in America, especially E-85.


    E-85 works with natural aspirated vehicles,  cars that are tuners, or any car if you instal a Flex Kit Fuel Injectors.  You would think places like LA would have it, since it's nicer for the environment,  but they don't,  not everyone is in favor of the fuel.


    In my situation,  I'm using it for performance.  Fuel sucks in the winter and decreases Fuel economy.



    You don't exist in America. You're a AI trollbot posting fake pics of nonexistent gas octanes.

    • Truth 1
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  6. 14 hours ago, T4M* said:

    Planet Ethanol


    Over here, anything below 91 has a mix ratio of Ethanol and Gas. 93 is for performance vehicles or bigger engine vehicles (no Ethanol,  pure gas, also 91)


    That's why you see different numbers.  @DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER


    Remember yall, the higher the number don't mean it's best for your vehicles. Your fuel injectors can only hawk tuah so much, so know your ratings before your car doesn't talk tuah.



    Everywhere has ethenol in the gas. Still never heard of those weird numbers in your pic. Do you live in another country?

    • Truth 1
  7. 6 hours ago, T4M* said:

    My E85 went up. Was at $2.30. Not bad for summer prices.



    WTF is a E85 ? And WTF is a 88 and a 91? In my 30 years of driving, which has taken me all over the country, I only ever seen 87, 89, 93 and diesel. What fucking planet do you live on?

    • LOL! 1
  8. More or less about the same as it's been for the past 20 years, ever since Bush Jr pissed off the Arabs by invading Iraq. It goes up, it goes down, and it hovers around the same ballpark for the past 20 years.
    It's hilarious to me how these trumptard rednecks with their tank sized pickup trucks think gas is somehow more expensive now just because they're burning through it faster. 😆


    • LOL! 1
  9. On 7/15/2024 at 12:21 AM, LUGR said:

    clearly you got something to hide

    Only my identity. 
    And my IG from you  weirdos commenting all this "ooontz DAO whaledogs" shit on my posts. 😆
    I'm mad selective about who I let follow me on there.


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  10. On 7/12/2024 at 12:28 AM, LUGR said:

    You maced the 3rd one 😂 ?


    Can’t believe those dudes had the nerve to step to DAO. Bet they would not try you again 😂 

    Maced all 3. They called the cops, owner of the bar is supposedly looking for me, I’m already back in Texas with zero fucks to give. 😆




    • Props 2
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  11. 22 hours ago, morton said:

    I am impressed but still suspect that your identity could be cracked from your IG by a motivated government. 


    But really those steps are heavy, I recently had a family friend pass away who never did anything in on line, as in they never owned a computer. Searching for data on them online is like they hardly existed.

    No it can’t. Never posted a selfie in my life. And my IG is strictly graff pics and you can’t see my face in any of the action shots. 


  12. 18 hours ago, One Man Banned said:


    We've kind of been like The Expendables here and we really can't afford to be adding any Liam Neeson's in at the moment.


    *none of you cunts thought to use The Expendables for what you think Ch 0 looks like?!

    Who? What?

  13. 13 minutes ago, LUGR said:

    RIP Ideo


    I distinctly remember you posting one of yourself pissing behind a dumpster.


    I would not forget something like that.

    I would never post anyting visible about myself unless it was a behind shot where you can't see me. I think you're confusing me with someone else. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, LUGR said:

    This is not entirely true, you posted a selfie of yourself pissing behind a dumpster once. I’m sure AI could identify you by analyzing the arc of your stream.

    That was my boy Ideo. And it wasn't behind a dumpster, it was into the Schuykill river.
    And he died in 2007.
    RIP Ideo.

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