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Everything posted by Tails0nE

  1. false... the person below me can drop it like its hot...
  2. today at school they had a blood drive... life source or some shit like that.. i donated today.. and i guess it was worth alot of extra credit points in one of my classes.. buuuut im tired as fuck now... no team sleep tonight for me... night night..
  3. i guess true... i dont play listen to him regularly but ill bump some of his tunes sometime... the person below likes Young Jeezy...
  4. false... the person below me watches american idol...
  5. false.... i wish.... the person below me enjoys King Cobras...
  6. true... i bump some of it every here and there... the person below me likes death metal...
  7. FALSE... just gave my last sawbuck to my mom... the person below me got a bank account... with a large amount...
  8. False... never had it... the person below me loves to drink juicy juice...
  9. false.... the person below me doesn't know why they're awake so early...
  10. only 8:27pm over here.... bored as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck....
  11. i dont even know.... look yo THIS is where i was at... check out the photos.. and i guess they have celebrities come through on certain occasions... but why is Ryan Dunn at a teen club? same with Vern Troyer??? thats got me kinda confused right now...
  12. major crapola.... the females.... there were a couple good lookin ones.. if they didnt look good they were either chubby, skinny as hell, or some dorky white girl who cant dance... they had females walkin around though with booty shorts.. i think they worked for the club, but they kept sweating the guidos.......
  13. so yesterday i was dragged to a well known club in my area for the first time... and to be honest that shit was kinda gay... EVERYONE was white in there, like 3/4 of the club was nothing but OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ and the other quarter of the club was a little dance floor and a couple of tables and what not for the rap music... and thats where all the black and latin people were at... so in the end was it worth the $20 to get in??? HELL MAH FUCKIN NAW... never going there again....
  14. false... never liked him... the person below me is a fan of Michael Jackson...
  15. true... the person below me isnt going into allthewrongwords thread....
  16. false... been up since like 5 this mourning... the person below me believes the term, "snitches get stitches"...
  17. true.... the person below me has smashed an indian chick before...
  18. on another note... the new neighbors across the hall are bumpin some heavy techno shit.. vibrating my walls n shit...
  19. its 3:45 in the uk?? its only 9:58 over hurr....
  20. somewhat true... the person below me can bust them "stupid dope moves" on the beatbox...
  21. FALSE.... almost had a kid though... the person below me has done a rainbow before... (if you know what that is)
  22. false... i dont fuck with them three words... the person below me has accidently stuck it in her pooper instead of door#1 before...
  23. true... theres nothing good on tv nowadays... the person below me just woke up not too long ago...
  24. this is the kid who is supposidly "kicking my teeth in" are you kidding me? im gonna rip this kid in half.....
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