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Everything posted by ididitmyway

  1. In mid march (15-25th). In Seoul I'll be staying somewhere near downtown; in Tokyo I will be in Asakusa neighborhood. Sorry to be that guy....but what's good to see? Which neighborhoods etc? Any big happenings like shows, or openings? Thanks a lot.
  2. My grandmother also frequents the (polka)bar I went to last night.
  3. I had a math class with Ali's wife, she was really nice.
  4. Miss ya tess, hit me up soon.
  5. ididitmyway

    The Wire

    Holy fuckets it's already on season 5? Crazy. Did anyone everr get into Carnivale? That was an awesome show.
  6. Cig addiction isn't just a mind game. It is a very physical addiction, smoking increases the number of nicotine receptors on your nerve cells all over your body, this is why it feels good, or makes a smoker feel "normal" again after they've been jonesin' for their fix....dopamine gets released (works the same way with other addicting drugs like opiates.) Luckily your body recovers quick from physical addiction (and that crazy feeling will go away with that)........Anyone thinking of quitting I'd highly recommend fasting (lemon cleanse)....It will clean all that junk out of you and make a huge difference.
  7. I like how it says the customers who bought it also bought the anal douche rectal syringe.
  8. co-sign Mitch Hedberg. Also Bill Hicks, I'm pretty sure both of them died of heroin o.d.'s Dennis Leary is funny also.
  9. I got some eithiopian friends at school so I've been on a reggae tip lately.... Ranking Dread King tubby Lee Perry Marlon Ascher Sierra Leon Refugee All stars scientist sister nancy yellowman high tone jimmy cliff ini kamoze john holt josey wales freddie mcgregor garnet silk general echo dj eleven's got some good mixes out there dennis brown culture the congos coco tea buju banton bunny wailer burning spear aswad beres hammond anthony red rose the abyssinians the specials echo minot Toyan
  10. Miller high life is very awesome as well.
  11. Effin' with your head; she just wants to try to sell you insurance.
  12. ^^^I concur, fire in the sky scared the hell outta me.
  13. Re: uhh i think i accidently deleted the ladies of 12oz thread. The stove chick is I; I'll repost an outtake to secure my premium status....
  14. I cannot believe this dumbass is ranting about this bullshit; granted you are 19 and don't know your ass from a hole in the ground yet, but are you fucking shitting me??? "God hates me!!!" You are lucky you don't live in Africa or like 90% of the world so you can bitch about this puppy love crap. Grow up.
  15. Re: Who's a vegan? Meat eaters consume a lot more clean water then those who do not eat animal product. The people on here who are adamant about eating meat/protein most likely don't even know what protein is or how it functions in the body. It is also interesting to me that the dudes on here who love to shove meat into their gullets claim that vegans are the gays. Finally, the human body should only consume the amount of meat/protein equivalent to the size of a deck of playing cards (for the entire day.....so that "baconator" would already be over the limit.) Enjoy your cancer and guilty conscious.
  16. This is too great to not share: http://www.anvari.org/cols/Strange_Statues_around_the_World.html some of my favorites....
  17. Yes, the system could be better...especially in regards to no trains going to the beach, (i believe this is basically because whitey doesn't want it to be easy for minorities to get there) but you can get around town without a car; there are still plenty of busses. Also, comparatively I have been to/lived in decently sized cities with much worse public transport systems. So people in/of LA please use public transport, use it and they'll build more...supply and demand.
  18. ^^^Say what??? LA has got a bomb public transportation system...subway, lightrail and busses...you can get a day pass for 3 clams and ride any of them anywhere anyhow.
  19. I miss LA...faggoty street art and all....
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