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Everything posted by Aer'

  1. The camo colours cover like a blanket, pretty awesome, but most other colours i've tried are too watery/transparent for me. Some have wack coverage. Molotow pwns.
  2. There's a guy who won't leave me alone, dude's the epitome of everything everybody just said in this thread. He's a faggot, seriously. I had to get down with his wack 'sharpie and a toilet door' crew (his friends from school who ride him because he's 'cool') just to get him off my back a bit, and then quit. But he's mad toy, his sketches are wack, his tag's basically a mix of bitten letters, and his painting is fucking abysmal. He say's to everyone 'I wish i could draw as good as you, in the same way you wish you could paint as good as me' It's like wtf, seriously. Anyway i just kind of stay clear of him. He doesn't know what i write now, i think he still believes that i quit, i never tag/sketch/talk about graff when he's around, and i never show myself off. I've not had any problems for it, it's made my life a shit ton easier.
  3. Best advice i can give to Zhax, is get in touch with some local writers who are sound and trustworthy. In my experience, that - and knowing to start off by drawing simple letters using simple bars, and gradually warping their shape and appearance, is the best way to guarantee your improvement. Post your progress up on here once in a while to get some confidence boosts, and some good varied opinions that you can use to further develop your style. One thing though, is apart from those basics - no advice is a surefire way to get better. It all depends on your adaptation to different methods; whether it's being told what to improve, whether it's being shown how to improve, or whether it's realising where to improve.
  4. Yeah, tidy the lines up. Do it in pencil, go over it neatly in pen, and rub the pencil out. And don't contrast it too much in photoshop or w/e - you only need to enhance the edges, not completely segregate them and fuck them up. The counter in your A is out of proportion, even though you've got the guidelines. If you worked on that, aswell as making sure you use thick and thin bars in the right places, then you'll improve it alot.
  5. Aer'


    Spare me the 'Already a's Consider that MA is in excess of a few thousand miles from me. But yeah no problem, i think i'm gonna go with Past anyway, i like the letters better.
  6. Throwy exchange? I write Task or Past, and i need some inspiration for my P's.
  7. Aer'


    Anybody up for a throwie exchange? I write Past or Task Somebody with sick P's preferably, i need some inspiration.
  8. I write Tak, i hope you plan on doing a better job than bubble letters :cool:
  9. Thought i'd go really tech but it turned out simpler than i thought. I'm still pleased with it though, first attempt at anything like it. Crits!?!
  10. Lack of comments in the toy thread, any thoughts from you guys? All crits appreciated!
  11. 2 more. Not really feeling the first, i was tired and just felt like practicing. And the extensions on the second were a bit forced, the 3d is also off slightly. Think it's cause i tried to switch up the style a little and found myself adding bits in when i was going over it in pen. Crits!!! Ta P.s. Check out that there pimp hand! :0
  12. That's a fresh style man, i'm not really one to say anything but i think if anything needs to be worked on, it's the edges and proportions of your bars in pic #1. They seem a bit sloppy and less thought out. The last two are better.
  13. Bump for more! And thanks to those who have already. I kind of already did the connector in the 'A' before i realised it didn't fit aswell as it could.
  14. The 3d isn't complete, i always leave it until i paint it to do the fill/colours/3d. After crits on my structure mainly! All intelligent posts appreciated!!
  15. Aer'


    Anybody got pics of Nise's stuff?
  16. Ok i've got a smal pot of like Model Airplane paint, it's red coloured, and i need it pretty much now to paint this guys shoes. I've tested the permanence of it, and when it dries it just turns slightly dry and rubs off if i apply any pressure with a wet thumb. I tried to get my hands on some spare brake fluid to add a teaspoon of it to the paint, but i didn't have any look. Can anyone tell me if there's any other common household chemicals that i can add to it, to make it permanent? Or even just to stop it from rubbing off so easily. Thanks
  17. Man wtf i just started writing Bones a few months ago. Top thread, makes me feel good :cool:
  18. More of this, i like this one. Maybe work on the E a little though mate, it looks cramped there. Good stuff.
  19. ^That's word. There's no rule about not using it. I've always said, if it's such a big problem, then they can change their name. And bump for crits on my stuff.
  20. It's gonna take me alot of work to get my 3D accurate. Just doing it freehand at the moment though for roughs.
  21. Hmm, thanks, i'll try that now and post it.
  22. Thanks man. First ever 3d in straight letter style, just did it quick now. Messed the K up a little. Check..
  23. Uhh thanks guys, unless BouncingSoul was using sarcasm :p I'm really feeling your style also man, it's inspiring to look at, make me want to sketch more haha. I only got these others at the moment, i just bust out a book and a biro whenever i'm on the bus or train, so they aren't blackbook status. The pic quality sucks again, and they look pretty similar. Tell me what ya think...
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