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Everything posted by flecks

  1. Dunno if this has been posted yet, surprised if it hasnt.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=eWN0X166SeI Dudes website is bonkers as well...http://www.odeith.com
  2. product of nothin but their own sick minds, dont even try to shift the blame.
  3. hest what did you do the last board with?
  4. why dont you just carry regular mace?
  5. you cant go on and search for shit like this and expect to learn it, you want to develop your own style and control and the only way you can do that is to work with it yourself - try new things, new angles, different ways of holding the can. dont expect to go out and find some magical step by step guide that will teach you how to do it...its all about the individual style.
  6. Ive mod'd old decos by refillin em with krink and throwing a bit bigger nib on it from other markers, think it was like some wierdass dry erase marker, didnt work very well at first but as the nib frayed a bit it gets some nice flow and relative thickness to it for how big the marker is. Krink is kinda thick for it but you can always make a thinner recipe, and if your gonna be missing the silver unis and dont want to buy thsese krinks, rack the decos and mod em. *doesnt mark as big a px30 but its somewhere between a px30-px20 size
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