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Everything posted by SEANCONNERY

  1. what the hell was the mother thinking, trains are no joke and this whole thing is horrible
  2. im skating a chocolate right now
  3. damn, that shit looked horrible, that man is a soldier
  4. i just busted my chin open yesterday doin a backside nosegrind, damn those youngsters and their wax!!
  5. hilarious, thread worthiness is questionable
  6. danny garcia - photosynthesis john cardiel- sight unseen
  7. i was skating down the street one day and an old lady hit me with her purse
  8. the gonz and rudy johnson video days
  9. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-332048043804245077 i believe the correct term for this is "gnar"
  10. Re: The I hate shaking hands thread. just bow

    faking it

    i liked dudes clothes before the makeover, he looked mad hip hop yo
  12. http://youtube.com/watch?v=17AZp0B89iQ
  13. can't wait for the simpsons movie http://www.simpsonsmovie.com/#splash/ dope link for trailers and stuff
  14. Hold ur breath and chug a glass of water, gone
  15. Man this thread is hilarious, yesterday i was throwing a basketball against this wall, and when it came back it took a weird bounce and nailed me right in my nuts, it hurt like fuck and i went down to the floor and didn't get up for 5 minutes, my stomach hurt more than anything.
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