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Everything posted by clear124

  1. "cause I was gay and I wanted to go get drunk."
  2. damn still no PMs. fuck you 12 oz. my dreams are ruined!
  3. i want to meet my dream girl on 12oz. all veggie babes PM me! a perfect 10 vandal holler..
  4. all those 4ever throwys in a row is fucking where its at! respecttt
  5. thosetransit flicks are cool. keep getting those underground trains!
  6. READ MORE if somehow you are looking at this, could you get at me via PM. aint nothing hectic. SPAIN SRT BKF
  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco has anyone seen the mars volta video where it actually shows grey pvc and cake hr tko paint in the end??
  8. theve been doing things here in LA. on top right now
  9. BFK OUTLAWS! didnt they just get back from europe! stay up guys. forever!
  10. Re: Don't Call it Frisco its funny cause pablo escobar talks all this shit and you cant even send him emails! hahahahah. p.s that kid doesnt go to art school. or even any kind of school. so keep your false facts to yourself. your nothing
  11. stolen. los angeles. 710 freeway
  12. fucking freezing cold. west philllllly
  13. the walls just absorb the paint way to much. it sucks.
  14. seriously, who fucking cares, sorry i used that slang, fuck. get over it.
  15. kick rocks cheer, im just asking, bent means bust. doesn't everyone in philly smoke weed, you guys sure are uptight for pot smokers. this will be my last word post, flicks from now on, i promise
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