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cuatro pound

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Everything posted by cuatro pound

  1. rail transit in the motor city is not likely, at least not for a long time. and that really sucks that they are clearing the yard, that completely shuts down the graff game once they get the cameras and emergency phones in there, but then again this is detroit were talkin about so maybe not.
  2. Not to take sides here, but its lame to try and turn the whole internet against them. just handle it with your crew and theirs, theres no need to put a 12oz a.p.b out,
  3. hold up, hold up, hold up...fuck that, you say you get up what do you write?
  4. dude isaac, just cuz you started the thread doesnt mean you need to wrecklessly talk shit, you need to post some new shit then and let us see whats realy up.
  5. alch aqua nmph, sick character
  6. Actually i bought fake acid once, it cost me about five dollars and pissed me off for ten minutes end of story. pretty much anyone selling fake acid is pobably on some severe bullshit anyway, but if works for you guys more power to you. :scrambled:
  7. Spicy Thai is my favorite right now but they are all good
  8. midwest aint chill. you get felonies here for nothing, and i only can think of two daytime spots in this whole state. This isnt 1994 anymore, graffiti is blowing up everywhere and law enforcement is on it here just as bad.
  9. x22 comin with the wackest comment of all time
  10. this is the best post ive seen in a while
  11. nude and rude is the way to go
  12. phers is dumb nice. detroit is such a sick place
  13. Im with seekin. seriously you are acting so toy.
  14. use a car scraper before you paint, it might help a little bit but probably wont get all the ice off
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