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cuatro pound

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Everything posted by cuatro pound

  1. Im with seekin. seriously you are acting so toy.
  2. dude you got nailed...but nice comeback. seriously i am a chump tho
  3. he got nailed, what else is there to say?
  4. DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!! That response was funny and true, but a little over the top. Someone is in a bad mood.
  5. the amtrack doesnt go 60 mph there it goes really slow like 10, so either would look readable, i just like that style more. THE abort was hard too. but damn that is a dope spot to look at when you ride the train!!
  6. its amazing that you created a completely new screen name to make that remark. Its obvious something is getting to you. But seriously, rio, cuba, etc, are not OG and I know for a fact if you talked to any one of those kids they would act so fuckin hard.
  7. i sort of agree,but its kinda sick that these dudes all share/pass the style on to one another. Its really more of a compliment than anything. Detroit will always have people who follow this school of graffiti.
  8. then get a fixed gear, or just get any bike in general.
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