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cuatro pound

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Everything posted by cuatro pound

  1. ever since you fuckers started hating on SWL, they have stopped posting. Now this thread has no flicks. WOuldnt you rather there be a flock of SWL flicks than nothing at all? Dont answer that. But seriously this thread is horrible now.
  2. post some metro flicks please!!
  3. yall cotton, potatoes like au grautin, we niggaz plottin, dead yr stash and leave ya rotten
  4. euro graff is the shit. fuck americans that hate, this is what graffiti is supposed to be.
  5. i just threw KBT in there to make the point that they dont fall into the second category,
  6. SWL, KBT, and TST are the only good writers in Detroit, all the other shit is akin to Sketchers Shoes-a cheap imitation of popular trends being rocked by little kids with no style.
  7. wow the guys in that tube flick are living out my wildest fantasy
  8. All i gotta say is: "WHATCHOU THANK BOSS-THONG O NO THONG??" and "HEY BOO! HEY BOO BOO!"
  9. rail transit in the motor city is not likely, at least not for a long time. and that really sucks that they are clearing the yard, that completely shuts down the graff game once they get the cameras and emergency phones in there, but then again this is detroit were talkin about so maybe not.
  10. hold up, hold up, hold up...fuck that, you say you get up what do you write?
  11. dude isaac, just cuz you started the thread doesnt mean you need to wrecklessly talk shit, you need to post some new shit then and let us see whats realy up.
  12. phers is dumb nice. detroit is such a sick place
  13. Im with seekin. seriously you are acting so toy.
  14. dude you got nailed...but nice comeback. seriously i am a chump tho
  15. he got nailed, what else is there to say?
  16. DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!! That response was funny and true, but a little over the top. Someone is in a bad mood.
  17. the amtrack doesnt go 60 mph there it goes really slow like 10, so either would look readable, i just like that style more. THE abort was hard too. but damn that is a dope spot to look at when you ride the train!!
  18. its amazing that you created a completely new screen name to make that remark. Its obvious something is getting to you. But seriously, rio, cuba, etc, are not OG and I know for a fact if you talked to any one of those kids they would act so fuckin hard.
  19. i sort of agree,but its kinda sick that these dudes all share/pass the style on to one another. Its really more of a compliment than anything. Detroit will always have people who follow this school of graffiti.
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